Associations to the word «Wen»
- Gu
- Ta
- Gan
- Gong
- Cyst
- Yr
- Mao
- Shan
- Edict
- Tan
- Ho
- Kang
- Tai
- Ter
- Ole
- Chinese
- Lai
- Dong
- Nan
- Ai
- Beijing
- Eunuch
- Nanjing
- Bu
- Lan
- Peking
- Sichuan
- Consort
- Kai
- Ti
- Gui
- Chan
- Veneration
- Bing
- Mu
- Regent
- Nigger
- Ge
- Throne
- Soo
- Tun
- Ui
- China
- Reign
- Prefecture
- Regular
- Warlord
- Hun
- Tu
- Magistrate
- Dell
- Shanghai
- Wan
- Fen
- Qu
- Confucianism
- Pi
- Ob
- Old
- Ran
- Wong
- Cauldron
- Dar
- Morse
- Hong
- Divination
- Bce
- Sage
- Cha
- Cheung
- Tay
- Fer
- Mandarin
- Dem
- Marquis
- Ha
- Bc
- Chairperson
- Espionage
- Nguyen
- Duke
- Imperial
- Urging
WEN, noun. A cyst on the skin.
WEN, noun. A runic letter later replaced by w
WEN, noun. (Can we verify([1]) this sense?) An enormously congested city.
WEN, proper noun. A common surname of east Asian derivation.
Dictionary definition
WEN, noun. A common cyst of the skin; filled with fatty matter (sebum) that is secreted by a sebaceous gland that has been blocked.
Wise words
Occasionally in life there are those moments of unutterable
fulfillment which cannot be completely explained by those
symbols called words. Their meanings can only be articulated
by the inaudible language of the heart.