Associations to the word «Vagary»
- Caprice
- Whim
- Quixote
- Fancy
- Weather
- Conceit
- Absurdity
- Freak
- Extravagance
- Damsel
- Imagination
- Seriousness
- Prank
- Variability
- Folly
- Madman
- Superstition
- Madness
- Ignorance
- Unrest
- Humor
- Temperament
- Taste
- Mechanic
- Manifestation
- Fate
- Fashion
- Chance
- Notion
- Climate
- Dependence
- Cope
- Nature
- Passion
- Mind
- Patience
- Genius
- Sorrow
- Sharpe
- Disturbance
- Luck
- Oriental
- Civilization
- Spite
- Judgment
- Preservation
- Excitement
- Translator
- Dream
- Illusion
- Perhaps
- Opinion
- Mood
- Reader
VAGARY, noun. An erratic, unpredictable occurrence or action.
VAGARY, noun. An impulsive or illogical desire; a caprice or whim.
Dictionary definition
VAGARY, noun. An unexpected and inexplicable change in something (in a situation or a person's behavior, etc.); "the vagaries of the weather"; "his wealth fluctuates with the vagaries of the stock market"; "he has dealt with human vagaries for many years".
Wise words
The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as
effective as a rightly timed pause.