Associations to the word «Quantum»
QUANTUM, noun. (now chiefly South Asia) The total amount of something; quantity. [from 17th c.]
QUANTUM, noun. The amount or quantity observably present, or available. [from 18th c.]
QUANTUM, noun. (physics) The smallest possible, and therefore indivisible, unit of a given quantity or quantifiable phenomenon. [from 20th c.]
QUANTUM, noun. (math) A definite portion of a manifoldness, limited by a mark or by a boundary.
QUANTUM, adjective. Of a change, sudden or discrete, without intermediate stages.
QUANTUM, adjective. (informal) Of a change, significant.
QUANTUM, adjective. (physics) Involving quanta.
QUANTUM, adjective. (computing theory) Relating to a quantum computer.
QUANTUM ACOUSTICS, noun. (physics) the study of the effects of the laws of quantum mechanics on the propagation and absorption of sound
QUANTUM ANOMALY, noun. (physics) any phenomenon that arises when a quantity that becomes zero according to classical physics acquires a finite value when quantum rules are used
QUANTUM BIOPHYSICS, noun. (biology) (physics) An interdisciplinary science that uses the methods of quantum physics and physical chemistry to study biological systems.
QUANTUM BIT, noun. (physics) A normalized linear combination of an "up" state and a "down" state for, say, the spin of an electron. (The "up" and "down" states can be "measured" along some particular direction. Such measurement could be performed by applying a magnetic field in that direction, in which case the electron responds non-classically in either one of two ways: (1) it emits no photon, in which case it would have been collapsed in the "up" state, or (2) it emits a photon of a certain energy (always the same), in which case it would have been collapsed in the "down" state. Afterwards, the "north" pole of the electron's magnetic moment points towards the "south" pole of the magnetic field; so it would stay in the "up" state, regardless of which direction it collapsed in. Pre-measurement, the coefficient of the "up" state times its complex conjugate gives the probability of collapsing in the "up" state (during measurement) and the coefficient of the "down" state times its complex conjugate gives the probability of collapsing in the "down" state (during measurement). The two probabilities add up to one, i.e., the linear combination is normalized.)
QUANTUM CASCADE LASER, noun. A laser that operates by analogy with an electronic waterfall, with electrons cascading down a series of small steps emitting a photon at each step.
QUANTUM CASCADE LASERS, noun. Plural of quantum cascade laser
QUANTUM CHEMISTRY, noun. (chemistry) (physics) the application of quantum mechanics to chemical problems
QUANTUM CHROMODYNAMICS, noun. (physics) A quantum field theory in particle physics which describes the strong interaction of quarks and gluons employing the concept of color charge.
QUANTUM COMPUTER, noun. (computer) A computer that exploits quantum mechanical phenomena to transcend classical time complexity limitations.
QUANTUM COMPUTERS, noun. Plural of quantum computer
QUANTUM COMPUTING, noun. (computing) The use of quantum mechanical phenomena to transcend classical time complexity limitations in computing.
QUANTUM DOT, noun. A fluorescent nanoparticle of semiconducting material.
QUANTUM DOTS, noun. Plural of quantum dot
QUANTUM ELECTRODYNAMICS, noun. (physics) the study of the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with electrically charged matter within the framework of relativity and quantum mechanics
QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, noun. (physics) the field concerned with the interaction of radiation and matter, and on the effects of quantum mechanics on the behaviour of electrons
QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT, noun. (physics) a quantum mechanical phenomenon in which the quantum states of two or more objects have to be described with reference to each other, even though the individual objects are spatially separated
QUANTUM FERROFLUID, noun. (physics) A superfluid quantum gas composed of polarized electric or magnetic dipoles
QUANTUM FERROFLUIDS, noun. Plural of quantum ferrofluid
QUANTUM FLUCTUATION, noun. (physics) A momentary fluctuation in the energy at a point in space due to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle
QUANTUM FOAM, noun. (physics) Spacetime viewed on a quantum level, i.e. as a "foam" of randomly appearing and disappearing Planck-scale wormholes (black holes and white holes).
QUANTUM GRAVITATION, noun. (physics) The quantum theory of the gravitational field.
QUANTUM GRAVITATION, noun. (physics) The study of quantum fields in curved spacetime.
QUANTUM GRAVITY, noun. (physics) A branch of theoretical physics aiming to unite quantum mechanics with general relativity.
QUANTUM HADRODYNAMICS, noun. (physics) A framework for describing the nuclear many-body problem as a relativistic system of baryons and mesons based on a local, Lorentz-invariant lagrangian density.
QUANTUM HALL EFFECT, noun. (physics) An effect marked by the quantization of the Hall resistance, observed in two-dimensional electron systems subjected to low temperatures and strong magnetic field.
QUANTUM HALL EFFECTS, noun. Plural of quantum Hall effect
QUANTUM INFORMATION SCIENCE, noun. Information science adapted to deal with information held and/or handled by quantum systems, i.e., in which information is measured in qubits instead of classical bits.
QUANTUM INFORMATION THEORY, noun. Information theory adapted to deal with information held and/or handled by quantum systems, i.e., in which information is measured in qubits instead of classical bits.
QUANTUM JUMP, noun. Quantum leap
QUANTUM LEAP, noun. (physics) The discontinuous change of the state of an electron in an atom or molecule from one energy level to another.
QUANTUM LEAP, noun. (metaphorical) An abrupt, extreme change.
QUANTUM LEAPS, noun. Plural of quantum leap
QUANTUM LIMIT, noun. (physics) The limit on measurement accuracy at quantum scales due to back-action effects.
QUANTUM LIMIT, noun. (spectroscopy) The shortest wavelength in an X-ray spectrum.
QUANTUM LOGIC, noun. (logic) (quantum mechanics) A form of non-classical logic which has been abstracted out of quantum mechanics.
QUANTUM LOGIC, noun. (logic) (quantum mechanics) A set of events that is closed under a countable disjunction of countably many mutually exclusive events.WP
QUANTUM MEASUREMENT PROBLEM, noun. Alternative form of measurement problem
QUANTUM MECHANICAL, adjective. Of or pertaining to quantum mechanics.
QUANTUM MECHANICS, noun. (physics) The branch of physics which studies matter and energy at the level of atoms and other elementary particles, and substitutes probabilistic mechanisms in place of classical Newtonian ones.
QUANTUM MECHANICS, noun. (uncountable) (by extension) Something overly complicated or detailed.
QUANTUM MERUIT, noun. (legal) an inference that the defendant has promised to pay the plaintiff for the plaintiff's work or labor as much as he should deserve
QUANTUM MYSTICISM, noun. A set of metaphysical beliefs and practices that seek to relate consciousness, intelligence, or mystical world-views to the ideas of quantum mechanics and its interpretations.
QUANTUM NUMBER, noun. (quantum mechanics) One of certain integers or half-integers that specify the state of a quantum mechanical system (such as an electron in an atom).
QUANTUM ONION, noun. A quantum well incorporated in a quantum dot
QUANTUM PHYSICS, noun. (physics) quantum mechanics
QUANTUM PROCESS TOMOGRAPHY, noun. (quantum physics) A method for describing a quantum process by probing with known quantum states.
QUANTUM SOLID, noun. (physics) any of a class of solids (such as that of helium) whose atoms or molecules undergo large zero-point motion even in the quantum ground state (at absolute zero)
QUANTUM SOUP, noun. An informal term for the quark-gluon plasma which existed in the first millionth of a second of the universe.
QUANTUM SOUP, noun. An informal term for a Bose-Einstein condensate in which atoms cease to behave as separate entities at a temperature very close to absolute zero.
QUANTUM SOUP, noun. An imprecise expression for the linking of all matter and energy in the universe.
QUANTUM SOUP, noun. An informal term for a vacuum in quantum chromodynamics where all elementary particles have a probability of appearing.
QUANTUM SPIN LIQUID, noun. (physics) A solid in which small magnetic moments have a fluctuating random orientation, even at low temperature
QUANTUM STATE, noun. (physics) any of the possible states of a quantum mechanical system
QUANTUM STATES, noun. Plural of quantum state
QUANTUM SUFFICIT, noun. (medicine) A sufficient quantity.
QUANTUM SUICIDE, noun. A thought experiment in which it is proposed that it is impossible to commit suicide, as at each attempt the universe will split into two, in one of which you will still be alive.
QUANTUM TELEPORTATION, noun. (physics) the instantaneous transference of a quantum state to a distant location using quantum entanglement and the transmission of classical information
QUANTUM THEORIES, noun. Plural of quantum theory
QUANTUM THEORY, noun. (physics) A theory developed in the early 20th century, according to which nuclear and radiation phenomena can be explained by assuming that energy only occurs in discrete amounts called quanta.
QUANTUM THEORY, noun. (physics) Modern quantum mechanics.
QUANTUM TUNNELLING, noun. (physics) Any of several quantum mechanical effects in which a particle disobeys the laws of classical mechanics
QUANTUM UNIT OF SPIN, noun. A constant used as a unit of measurement for particle spin and equal to Planck's constant divided by 2π.
QUANTUM VALEBANT, noun. (obsolete) A lawsuit to recover payment for goods that have been sold and delivered.
QUANTUM VALEBAT, noun. (legal) A count in an action to recover from the defendant, for goods sold, as much as they were worth.
QUANTUM WELL, noun. A potential well that confines particles in one dimension, forcing them to occupy a planar region
Dictionary definition
QUANTUM, noun. A discrete amount of something that is analogous to the quantities in quantum theory.
QUANTUM, noun. (physics) the smallest discrete quantity of some physical property that a system can possess (according to quantum theory).
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