Associations to the word «Put»
PUT, verb. To place something somewhere.
PUT, verb. To bring or set into a certain relation, state or condition.
PUT, verb. (finance) To exercise a put option.
PUT, verb. To express something in a certain manner.
PUT, verb. (athletics) To throw a heavy iron ball, as a sport. (See shot put. Do not confuse with putt.)
PUT, verb. To steer; to direct one's course; to go.
PUT, verb. To play a card or a hand in the game called put.
PUT, verb. To attach or attribute; to assign.
PUT, verb. (obsolete) To lay down; to give up; to surrender.
PUT, verb. To set before one for judgment, acceptance, or rejection; to bring to the attention.
PUT, verb. (obsolete) To incite; to entice; to urge; to constrain; to oblige.
PUT, verb. (mining) To convey coal in the mine, as for example from the working to the tramway.
PUT, noun. (business) A right to sell something at a predetermined price.
PUT, noun. (finance) A contract to sell a security at a set price on or before a certain date.
PUT, noun. The act of putting; an action; a movement; a thrust; a push.
PUT, noun. An old card game.
PUT, noun. (obsolete) An idiot; a foolish person.
PUT, noun. (obsolete) A prostitute.
PUT, acronym. (software) (testing) Acronym of Parameterized Unit Testing.
PUT A DAMPER ON, verb. (idiomatic) To stop people from enjoying an activity
PUT A FOOT WRONG, verb. (idiomatic) To make a mistake.
PUT A LID ON IT, verb. (idiomatic) (forceful) To be quiet; shut up; to stop talking about something or making noise.
PUT A ROD IN PICKLE, verb. To prepare a particular reproof, punishment, or penalty for future application.
PUT A SOCK IN IT, verb. (idiomatic) To stop talking; to be quiet; to shut one's mouth.
PUT A SPOKE IN SOMEONE'S WHEEL, verb. To thwart or obstruct someone in the execution of some design.
PUT A STOP TO, verb. (idiomatic) To terminate or abolish something.
PUT ABOUT, verb. (intransitive) (nautical) To change direction.
PUT ABOUT, verb. (transitive) To circulate (a rumour).
PUT ACROSS, verb. To explain or state something clearly and understandably.
PUT ACROSS, verb. To perform a theatrical production.
PUT ALL ONE'S EGGS IN ONE BASKET, verb. (idiomatic) To rely on a single source (as of income), rather than diversifying.
PUT AN END TO, verb. (transitive) (idiomatic) to terminate or abolish something
PUT ASIDE, verb. To save money
PUT ASIDE, verb. To ignore or intentionally forget something, temporarily or permanently, so that more important things can have one's attention.
PUT ASUNDER, verb. (ambitransitive) To sunder; disjoin; separate; disunite; divorce; annul; dissolve.
PUT AT EASE, verb. To evoke or cause someone to be relaxed or calm
PUT AWAY, verb. (transitive) To place out of the way, clean up.
PUT AWAY, verb. (transitive) To store, add to one's stores for later use.
PUT AWAY, verb. (transitive) (colloquial) To consume (food or drink), especially in large quantities.
PUT AWAY, verb. (transitive) To send (someone) to prison.
PUT AWAY, verb. (transitive) (now formal or literary) To discard, divest oneself of.
PUT AWAY, verb. (obsolete) (transitive) To fend off, deflect; to dismiss.
PUT AWAY, verb. (archaic) (transitive) To divorce.
PUT AWAY, verb. (baseball) To strike out a batter.
PUT AWAY, verb. (baseball) To catch a fly ball or tag out a baserunner.
PUT AWAY, verb. (baseball) To take a large lead in a game.
PUT BACK, verb. (transitive) To return something to its original place.
PUT BACK, verb. (intransitive) (nautical) (en) To turn back; to return.
PUT BACK, verb. (transitive) (en) To postpone an arranged event or appointment.
PUT BACK, verb. (transitive) (idiomatic) To drink fast; to knock down alcohol.
PUT BACK, verb. (transitive) (idiomatic) To change the time in a time zone to an earlier time.
PUT BY, verb. To preserve food by canning, freezing, drying, etc.
PUT BY, verb. To perform an action without attracting attention.
PUT BY, verb. To save money.
PUT BY, verb. To run a ship aground intentionally to avoid a collision
PUT CASE, verb. (obsolete) To take as a hypothesis; to suppose (that).
PUT DOWN, verb. Used other than as an idiom: see put, down.
PUT DOWN, verb. (idiomatic) To insult, belittle, or demean.
PUT DOWN, verb. (of money as deposit) To pay.
PUT DOWN, verb. To halt, eliminate, stop, or squelch, often by force.
PUT DOWN, verb. (euphemistic) To euthanize (an animal).
PUT DOWN, verb. To write (something).
PUT DOWN, verb. (of a telephone) To terminate a call; to hang up.
PUT DOWN, verb. To add a name to a list.
PUT DOWN, verb. To make prices, or taxes, lower.
PUT DOWN, verb. (idiomatic) To place a baby somewhere to sleep.
PUT DOWN, verb. (idiomatic) (of an aircraft) To land.
PUT DOWN, verb. (idiomatic) To drop someone off, or let them out of a vehicle.
PUT DOWN, verb. (idiomatic) To cease, temporarily or permanently, reading (a book).
PUT DOWN, noun. Alternative spelling of put-down
PUT DOWN FOR, verb. (idiomatic) to record that someone has offered to help, or contribute something.
PUT DOWN ROOTS, verb. (idiomatic) to establish oneself in a place; to become settled
PUT DOWN TO, verb. (idiomatic) to state the cause of a situation.
PUT DOWNS, noun. Plural of put down
PUT FOOD ON THE TABLE, verb. (idiomatic) To provide enough money to cover basic necessities.
PUT FORTH, verb. To give or supply; to make or create (implies trying or striving)
PUT FORTH, verb. To shoot, bud, or germinate.
PUT FORTH, verb. To leave a port or haven, as a ship.
PUT FORWARD, verb. (idiomatic) To propose for consideration.
PUT FORWARD, verb. (idiomatic) (transitive) To change the time in a time zone to a later time.
PUT HAIR ON SOMEONE'S CHEST, verb. (idiomatic) To make a person (especially a male) stronger or more masculine or mature.
PUT HEADS TOGETHER, verb. To collaborate in a mental task, such as generating ideas.
PUT HORNS ON, verb. (transitive) To cuckold, to be unfaithful to.
PUT IN, verb. (transitive) To place inside.
PUT IN, verb. (intransitive) To apply, request, or submit.
PUT IN, verb. (transitive) To contribute.
PUT IN, verb. (intransitive) To call at, arrive at, or enter a place (e.g., to enter a harbor or port)
PUT IN MOTION, verb. (idiomatic) to trigger movement, to get going
PUT IN PLEDGE, verb. To pawn; to give as security.
PUT IN PRACTICE, verb. Alternative form of put into practice
PUT IN WITH, verb. (transitive) (idiomatic) To commit to something with; to partner with.
PUT INTO EFFECT, verb. To implement; to execute; to carry out.
PUT INTO PRACTICE, verb. (transitive) (idiomatic) To make (something) a practical reality.
PUT IT PAST SOMEONE, verb. (idiomatic) (in negative constructions) To consider it beyond what someone is capable of doing.
PUT IT THERE, verb. (idiomatic) An invitation for the addressee to slap the speaker's palm.
PUT LIPSTICK ON A PIG, verb. (idiomatic) To superficially alter something in the hope of making it seem more appealing than it is in actuality.
PUT OFF, verb. (transitive) To procrastinate.
PUT OFF, verb. (transitive) To delay (a task, event, etc.).
PUT OFF, verb. (transitive) To distract; to disturb the concentration of.
PUT OFF, verb. (transitive) To cause to dislike; to discourage (from doing).
PUT OFF, adjective. Offended, repulsed
PUT OFF, adjective. Daunted or fazed
PUT ON, verb. Used other than as an idiom: see put, on.
PUT ON, verb. To don (clothing, equipment, or the like).
PUT ON, verb. To fool, kid, deceive.
PUT ON, verb. To assume, adopt or affect; to behave in a particular way as a pretence.
PUT ON, verb. To play (a recording).
PUT ON, verb. To initiate cooking or warming, especially on a stovetop.
PUT ON, verb. To perform for an audience.
PUT ON A CLINIC, verb. To perform excellently; to put on a show of brilliance.
PUT ON A PEDESTAL, verb. (transitive) (idiomatic) To hold in very high esteem, especially to an exaggerated degree.
PUT ON AIRS, verb. (idiomatic) To become haughty, to assume a pretentious manner.
PUT ON DOG, verb. Alternative form of put on the dog
PUT ON ONE'S DANCING SHOES, verb. (idiomatic) To prepare for celebration or rejoicing; to put oneself in a positive frame of mind.
PUT ON ONE'S PANTS ONE LEG AT A TIME, verb. Alternative form of put one's pants on one leg at a time
PUT ON ONE'S TROUSERS ONE LEG AT A TIME, verb. Alternative form of put one's pants on one leg at a time
PUT ON THE BLOCK, verb. (economics) (slang) to sell something
PUT ON THE BRAKES, verb. Alternative form of put the brakes on
PUT ON THE DOG, verb. (colloquial) (dated) To dress up; to put on airs; to make a show of wealth and/or importance; to be pretentious. [from 19th c.]
PUT ON THE MAP, verb. (idiomatic) To bring something into a position of prominence.
PUT ON THE RED LIGHT, verb. (idiomatic) to advertise oneself as a prostitute
PUT ON WEIGHT, verb. To experience a weight gain, to increase in weight.
PUT ONE FOOT IN FRONT OF THE OTHER, verb. To walk, decomposed to stress the fundamentality of the task.
PUT ONE FOOT IN FRONT OF THE OTHER, verb. (idiomatic) To move forward, progress steadily
PUT ONE OVER, verb. (idiomatic) To succeed in a deception.
PUT ONE OVER, verb. (idiomatic) (with on) To fool, trick, or deceive.
PUT ONE PAST SOMEONE, verb. (idiomatic) To deceive, trick, or fool, especially by concealing something.
PUT ONE THROUGH ONE'S PACES, verb. (literally) To direct a horse to walk, canter, trot, etc.
PUT ONE THROUGH ONE'S PACES, verb. (idiomatic) To test several or all functions or training of a person, animal, machine, etc.
PUT ONE'S AFFAIRS IN ORDER, verb. To prepare for the end of one's life as one has lived it.
PUT ONE'S ASS ON THE LINE, verb. (idiomatic) To take a big risk.
PUT ONE'S BACK INTO, verb. (idiomatic) To make a strenuous effort to do something.
PUT ONE'S BEST FOOT FORWARD, verb. (idiomatic) To show oneself in the best or most positive way possible; to make a favorable impression.
PUT ONE'S CARDS ON THE TABLE, verb. (idiomatic) To reveal one's true intentions, beliefs, feelings, or other previously concealed facts about one's situation; to speak frankly.
PUT ONE'S FEET UP, verb. (idiomatic) to relax
PUT ONE'S FINGER ON, verb. (idiomatic) To identify, specify, name or pick out (usually negative)
PUT ONE'S FOOT DOWN, verb. (idiomatic) To insist, demand, or refuse.
PUT ONE'S FOOT DOWN, verb. (informal) (literally) To make a car go faster, accelerate.
PUT ONE'S FOOT IN IT, verb. (idiomatic) To make a mistake in public, or a social blunder, that is embarrassing, or offensive.
PUT ONE'S FOOT IN ONE'S MOUTH, verb. (idiomatic) To misspeak; to say something embarrassing or wrong.
PUT ONE'S HANDS TOGETHER, verb. (idiomatic) To clap; to applaud
PUT ONE'S HEART ON ONE'S SLEEVE, verb. Alternative form of wear one's heart on one's sleeve
PUT ONE'S HOUSE IN ORDER, verb. (literal) To clean and arrange in an orderly manner the furnishings and other contents of one's house.
PUT ONE'S HOUSE IN ORDER, verb. (idiomatic) To organize one's financial and other affairs, especially in preparation for a life-changing event.
PUT ONE'S HOUSEHOLD IN ORDER, verb. Alternative form of put one's house in order
PUT ONE'S MIND TO IT, verb. (idiomatic) To apply oneself; to exert a directed effort.
PUT ONE'S MONEY WHERE ONE'S MOUTH IS, verb. To make or take a bet.
PUT ONE'S MONEY WHERE ONE'S MOUTH IS, verb. (idiomatic) To take an obvious stake in the truth of a claim that one is making.
PUT ONE'S NAME IN THE HAT, verb. (idiomatic) To run in an election or to nominate oneself for consideration in some other selection process; to nominate someone other than oneself for such consideration.
PUT ONE'S PANTS ON ONE LEG AT A TIME, verb. (idiomatic) To be a normal person.
PUT ONE'S SHOULDER TO THE WHEEL, verb. (idiomatic) To work or exert oneself heavily or with full effort.
PUT ONE'S TOE IN THE WATER, verb. Alternative term for test the waters
PUT ONE'S TROUSERS ON ONE LEG AT A TIME, verb. Alternative form of put one's pants on one leg at a time
PUT ONESELF ACROSS, verb. (idiomatic) To explain one's ideas and opinions clearly so that another person can understand them and get a picture of your personality.
PUT ONESELF IN SOMEONE'S PLACE, verb. Simple past tense and past participle of put oneself in someone's place
PUT ONESELF IN SOMEONE'S SHOES, verb. (idiomatic) To try to look at a situation from a different point of view; as if one were the other person. To empathise
PUT OUT, noun. (baseball) The statistic of the number of outs a defensive player directly caused.
PUT OUT, adjective. Taking offense; indignant.
PUT OUT, verb. (transitive) To place outside or eject.
PUT OUT, verb. (transitive) To produce.
PUT OUT, verb. (transitive) To injure a part of the body, especially a joint.
PUT OUT, verb. (transitive) To extinguish (a flame or light).
PUT OUT, verb. (transitive) To eliminate from a competition.
PUT OUT, verb. (slang) (intransitive) To consent to sex.
PUT OUT, verb. (baseball) To cause a player on the offense to be out, especially of men on base.
PUT OUT, verb. (cricket) To cause a batsman (a player on the batting team) to be dismissed or out.
PUT OUT, verb. To sail away, to depart.
PUT OUT A FIRE, verb. (idiomatic) To address a problem, especially an unexpected one caused by the incompetence, negligence, or misconduct of another person.
PUT OUT A FIRE, verb. Used other than as an idiom: see put out a fire.
PUT OUT FEELERS, verb. (idiomatic) To explore or watch for; ask around; investigate.
PUT OUT OF ONE'S MISERY, verb. (transitive) (idiomatic) (informal) To submit (a person or animal) to euthanasia.
PUT OUT OF ONE'S MISERY, verb. (transitive) (idiomatic) (informal) (figuratively) To end or destroy something for the good of the individuals involved in it.
PUT OUT TO PASTURE, verb. Used other than as an idiom: see put out, to, pasture.
PUT OUT TO PASTURE, verb. (idiomatic) To make someone retire, especially due to advancing age.
PUT OUT TO PASTURE, verb. (idiomatic) To discontinue something.
PUT OUTS, noun. Plural of put out
PUT OVER, verb. To state, or explain a concept in a clear, understandable manner.
PUT PAID TO, verb. (chiefly UK) (dated) To mark a bill or a debt record as "paid".
PUT PAID TO, verb. (chiefly UK) (idiomatic) to terminate; to cancel (plans or expectations); to stop something once and for all
PUT PEN TO PAPER, verb. (intransitive) To write something (especially using pen and ink).
PUT PEN TO PAPER, verb. (intransitive) To begin to write something.
PUT SOMEONE DOWN AS, verb. (idiomatic) to assume someone has a particular character from very little information.
PUT SOMEONE IN HIS PLACE, verb. (transitive) (idiomatic) To remind someone of his or her position.
PUT SOMEONE IN HIS PLACE, verb. (idiomatic) To bring somebody down; to humble or rebuke.
PUT SOMEONE IN MIND OF, verb. (idiomatic) To remind someone of; to inspire a mental image or awareness of; to cause thoughts concerning.
PUT SOMEONE IN THE PICTURE, verb. To give someone the information they need in order to understand a situation.
PUT SOMEONE'S BACK UP, verb. (idiomatic) To annoy someone deliberately.
PUT SOMETHING BEHIND ONE, verb. (idiomatic) (transitive) To recover from an unpleasant or traumatic experience; to overcome a negative feeling, especially anger, resentment, or grief.
PUT SOMETHING INTO PERSPECTIVE, verb. (idiomatic) To compare with something similar to give a clearer, more accurate idea.
PUT THE BEE ON, verb. (slang) (chiefly US) to finish off, to beat
PUT THE BEE ON, verb. (slang) (chiefly US) to beg; to borrow money from
PUT THE BLAME ON, verb. To blame a particular named person.
PUT THE BOOT IN, verb. (intransitive) (slang) (idiomatic) To kick a fallen opponent.
PUT THE BOOT IN, verb. (intransitive) (slang) (figuratively) To kick someone when they are down.
PUT THE BRAKES ON, verb. (idiomatic) (transitive) To stop (an event, action, or process) or to slow it down.
PUT THE BRAKES ON, verb. (idiomatic) (intransitive) To cease to perform one's current activity or to decrease one's level of activity.
PUT THE CART BEFORE THE HORSE, verb. (idiomatic) To put things in the wrong order or with the wrong priorities; to put something inconsequential as more important than something more essential.
PUT THE CAT AMONG THE PIGEONS, verb. (idiomatic) To cause alarm.
PUT THE CLOCK BACK, verb. (idiomatic) (transitive)To change the time in a time zone to an earlier time.
PUT THE CLOCK FORWARD, verb. (idiomatic) (transitive)To change the time in a time zone to a later time.
PUT THE FEEDBAG ON, verb. (idiomatic) (dated) To dine; to eat.
PUT THE HAMMER DOWN, verb. (idiomatic) To drive quickly; to step on the accelerator
PUT THE KIBOSH ON, verb. (idiomatic) To halt, stop, or squelch.
PUT THE MAKE ON, verb. (transitive) To pursue with romantic interest, especially in an aggressive, sexually suggestive manner.
PUT THE MOVES ON, verb. (idiomatic) To make an effort to gain someone's romantic or sexual interest; to try to woo or seduce.
PUT THE PEDAL TO THE MEDAL, verb. Misspelling of put the pedal to the metal.
PUT THE PEDAL TO THE METAL, verb. (idiomatic) To press the gas pedal to the maximum extent.
PUT THE PEDAL TO THE METAL, verb. (idiomatic) To exert maximum effort.
PUT THE PLUG IN THE JUG, verb. (idiomatic) (intransitive) (informal) To cease drinking alcohol; to become teetotal.
PUT THE SCREWS, verb. (idiom) To apply pressure (to something)
PUT THE SHITS UP SOMEONE, verb. (British) (slang) To scare someone, or give them a fright
PUT THE WIND UP, verb. (idiomatic) (transitive) (British) To frighten or disturb.
PUT THROUGH, verb. (idiomatic) To connect (a telephone caller with intended callee).
PUT THROUGH, verb. (idiomatic) to cause to endure
PUT THROUGH, verb. (transitive) (soccer) To pass the ball to (someone) giving them a one-on-one scoring opportunity.
PUT THROUGH ITS PACES, verb. (idiomatic) To test completely; to exercise the full range of abilities or functions.
PUT THROUGH THE MANGLE, verb. (idiomatic) Alternative form of put through the wringer
PUT THROUGH THE WRINGER, verb. (idiomatic) To interrogate or scrutinize closely; to subject to some trial or ordeal.
PUT TO, verb. To ask or pose a question
PUT TO BED, verb. (transitive) To help someone, for example a child, go to bed
PUT TO BED, verb. (transitive) (idiomatic) (printing) To prepare a newspaper for printing
PUT TO BED, verb. (transitive) (idiomatic) (sports) To finalise the result, seal a win.
PUT TO BED, verb. (transitive) (idiomatic) To dispel.
PUT TO BED WITH A SHOVEL, verb. (idiomatic) (transitive) To bury (someone).
PUT TO DEATH, verb. To kill as punishment for capital crimes; to execute.
PUT TO ONE'S TRUMPS, verb. To force to the last expedient, or to the utmost exertion.
PUT TO REST, verb. To settle or finish, especially a question or discussion
PUT TO SHAME, verb. To humiliate; to disgrace.
PUT TO SHAME, verb. To outdo; to surpass; to outperform; to show up.
PUT TO SLEEP, verb. To cause (someone) to sleep.
PUT TO SLEEP, verb. To help (someone) to bed.
PUT TO SLEEP, verb. (figuratively) To render dormant.
PUT TO SLEEP, verb. (euphemistic) To kill an animal painlessly, often with an injection; to euthanize.
PUT TO SLEEP, verb. (informal) To give a general anesthetic prior to surgery.
PUT TO THE BLUSH, verb. To cause to blush with shame; to put to shame.
PUT TO THE SWORD, verb. (idiomatic) To execute, especially by using a sword.
PUT TO THE SWORD, verb. (idiomatic) To severely defeat.
PUT TO THE TEST, verb. (idiomatic) To test something or someone; to evaluate, scrutinize or explore by testing or experimentation.
PUT TO USE, verb. (idiomatic) to use; to utilise; to apply
PUT TO WORK, verb. (idiomatic) Put to use.
PUT TO WORK, verb. Give a job; Force to work (even if it is make-work)
PUT TOGETHER, verb. (transitive) To assemble, construct, or build.
PUT TOGETHER, adjective. (idiomatic) In total.
PUT TOGETHER, adjective. (psychology) Stable; competent; responsible.
PUT TWO AND TWO TOGETHER, verb. (idiomatic) To figure something out; to deduce or discern something.
PUT UP, adjective. Alternative form of put-up
PUT UP, verb. (transitive) To place in a high location.
PUT UP, verb. (transitive) To hang or mount.
PUT UP, verb. (transitive) (idiomatic) To cajole or dare to do something.
PUT UP, verb. (transitive) (idiomatic) To store away.
PUT UP, verb. (transitive) (idiomatic) To house, shelter, or take in.
PUT UP, verb. (transitive) (idiomatic) To present, especially in "put up a fight".
PUT UP, verb. (transitive) To endure, put up with, tolerate.
PUT UP, verb. (transitive) To provide funds in advance.
PUT UP, verb. (transitive) To build a structure.
PUT UP, verb. (transitive) To make available, to offer.
PUT UP A FIGHT, verb. To offer some form of resistance to an attack.
PUT UP A FIGHT, verb. (figuratively) To protest or make a fuss, especially over a proposed course of action.
PUT UP ONE'S DUKES, verb. (idiomatic) To raise one's clenched fists in front of one's body and stand in a threatening or defiant manner, in preparation for a fistfight.
PUT UP ONE'S DUKES, verb. (idiomatic) (by extension) To take firm action or to show oneself to be committed to such action, as when competing in a sporting event or other contest.
PUT UP OR SHUT UP, verb. (idiomatic) To desist from saying something unless one is able to prove it; to act in a manner that makes further talk unnecessary.
PUT UP OR SHUT UP, verb. (politics) To put yourself forward for election or cease disloyalty to the incumbent.
PUT UP THE SHUTTERS, verb. (cricket) to bat defensively in the last innings of a match in order to force a draw when winning is not possible
PUT UP TO, verb. (idiomatic) To encourage or trick (someone) to perform an action which is foolish or wrong.
PUT UP WITH, verb. (idiomatic) To endure, tolerate, suffer through, or allow, especially something annoying.
PUT UPON, adjective. Imposed on, taken advantage of, used, taken for granted, or unappreciated.
PUT WORDS IN SOMEONE'S MOUTH, verb. To imply or state that [someone] has said a thing; to erect a straw man.
Dictionary definition
PUT, noun. The option to sell a given stock (or stock index or commodity future) at a given price before a given date.
PUT, verb. Put into a certain place or abstract location; "Put your things here"; "Set the tray down"; "Set the dogs on the scent of the missing children"; "Place emphasis on a certain point".
PUT, verb. Cause to be in a certain state; cause to be in a certain relation; "That song put me in awful good humor"; "put your ideas in writing".
PUT, verb. Formulate in a particular style or language; "I wouldn't put it that way"; "She cast her request in very polite language".
PUT, verb. Attribute or give; "She put too much emphasis on her the last statement"; "He put all his efforts into this job"; "The teacher put an interesting twist to the interpretation of the story".
PUT, verb. Make an investment; "Put money into bonds".
PUT, verb. Estimate; "We put the time of arrival at 8 P.M.".
PUT, verb. Cause (someone) to undergo something; "He put her to the torture".
PUT, verb. Adapt; "put these words to music".
PUT, verb. Arrange thoughts, ideas, temporal events; "arrange my schedule"; "set up one's life"; "I put these memories with those of bygone times".
Wise words
Hope is the word which God has written on the brow of every