Associations to the word «Lord»
LORD, noun. (obsolete) The master of the servants of a household; (historical) the master of a feudal manor
LORD, noun. (obsolete) The male head of a household, a father or husband.
LORD, noun. (obsolete) The owner of a house, piece of land, or other possession
LORD, noun. One possessing similar mastery over others; (historical) any feudal superior generally; any nobleman or aristocrat; any chief, prince, or sovereign ruler
LORD, noun. (historical) A feudal tenant holding his manor directly of the king
LORD, noun. A peer of the realm, particularly a temporal one
LORD, noun. (obsolete) (uncommon) A baron or lesser nobleman, as opposed to greater ones
LORD, noun. One possessing similar mastery in figurative senses (esp. as lord of ~)
LORD, noun. The magnates of a trade or profession
LORD, noun. (astrology) The heavenly body considered to possess a dominant influence over an event, time, etc.
LORD, noun. (British) (slang) (obsolete) A hunchback.
LORD, noun. (British) (Australian) (via Cockney rhyming slang) (obsolete) Sixpence.
LORD, verb. (intransitive and transitive) Domineer or act like a lord.
LORD, verb. (transitive) To invest with the dignity, power, and privileges of a lord.
LORD, proper noun. (Judaism) (Islam) The God of Abraham and the Jewish scriptures, (Christianity) God the Father; the Godhead.
LORD, proper noun. (Christianity) Jesus Christ, God the Son.
LORD, proper noun. (religion) Any other deity particularly important to a religion or a worshipper.
LORD, interjection. (originally an invocation) An interjection variously expressing astonishment, surprise, resignation.
LORD, noun. A formal title of the lesser British nobility, used as a shortened form for a Lord of the Manor and Lord Proprietor.
LORD, noun. A generic title used in reference to any peer of the British nobility or any peer below the dignity of duke and (as a courtesy title) for the younger sons of dukes and marquesses (see usage note).
LORD, noun. Similar formal and generic titles in other countries.
LORD, noun. An additional title added to denote the dignity of certain high officials, such as the "Lord Mayors" of major cities in the British Commonwealth
LORD, noun. The elected president of a festival.
LORD, noun. (Wicca) A high priest.
LORD, proper noun. Typographical variant of Lord, particularly in English translations of the Bible.
LORD BE PRAISED, interjection. Expression of surprise, disbelief, happiness, thankfulness.
LORD BE PRAISED, interjection. Phrase used to thank God by Christians.
LORD HIGH COMMISSIONER, proper noun. The Lord High Commissioner to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, the representative of the Scottish (later British) monarch to the established church of Scotland appointed annually since 1690.
LORD HIGH COMMISSIONER, proper noun. (historical) The Lord High Commissioner to the Parliament of Scotland, the representative of the Scottish (later British) monarch to the separate government of Scotland appointed intermittently between 1603 and 1707.
LORD HIGH COMMISSIONER, proper noun. (historical) The Lord High Commissioner of the Ionian Islands, the representative of the British monarch appointed intermittently between 1815 and 1864.
LORD HIGH COMMISSIONERS, proper noun. Plural of Lord High Commissioner
LORD HOWE ISLAND STICK INSECT, noun. Dryococelus australis, a large stick insect.
LORD IT OVER, verb. (idiomatic) (transitive) To behave as if one is in control of; to make a display of having an advantage over or superiority to.
LORD LOVE A DUCK, interjection. An exclamation of surprise.
LORD MAYOR, noun. (UK) (Ireland and some Commonwealth countries) the title of the mayor of a major city
LORD MAYORS, noun. Plural of Lord Mayor
LORD MUCK, proper noun. (UK) An appellation given to a man who behaves in a perceived aristocratic manner
LORD OF LORDS, proper noun. (Christianity) Jesus
LORD OF MISRULE, noun. (in feudal Britain) A mock officer, appointed by lot, to preside over the Feast of Fools in a great household at Christmas.
LORD OF THE FLIES, noun. Beelzebub; Satan
LORD OF THE FLIES, noun. (idiomatic) (biblical) a ruler over a worthless kingdom; leader of a meaningless microcosm.
LORD OF THE MANOR, noun. A feudal title of the hereditary proprietor of a manor in manorialism; now largely ceremonial.
LORD PROTECTOR, noun. Title of the regent for the king(dom) of England and/or king(dom) of Scotland.
LORD PROTECTOR, noun. Title of the head of state of the Commonwealth
LORD PROTECTOR, noun. (rare) English rendering of vidame
LORD PROTECTOR, noun. English rendering of temporary regent, acting for the absent monarchic head of state.
LORD WILLING, interjection. Used to indicate acceptance of God's will when expressing an intention or hope.
LORD WILLING, interjection. Barring unforeseen circumstances.
Dictionary definition
LORD, noun. Terms referring to the Judeo-Christian God.
LORD, noun. A person who has general authority over others.
LORD, noun. A titled peer of the realm.
LORD, verb. Make a lord of someone.
Wise words
Words are always getting conventionalized to some secondary
meaning. It is one of the works of poetry to take the
truants in custody and bring them back to their right