Associations to the word «Demerara»


DEMERARA, noun. A type of natural, unrefined or partially refined cane sugar, which is light brown in colour. It is particularly appreciated in pastries and biscuits like shortbread.
DEMERARA, proper noun. A region of Guyana in South America, Essequebo en Demerary (Essequibo and Demerara), formerly a Dutch (later British) colony.
DEMERARA, noun. Alternative spelling of Demerara

Dictionary definition

DEMERARA, noun. A light brown raw cane sugar from Guyana.
DEMERARA, noun. A river in northern Guyana that flows northward into the Atlantic.
DEMERARA, noun. A former Dutch colony in South America; now a part of Guyana.
DEMERARA, noun. Dark rum from Guyana.
DEMERARA, noun. Light brown cane sugar; originally from Guyana.

Wise words

Words derive their power from the original word.
Meister Eckhart