Associations to the word «Cycler»


CYCLER, noun. Anything with a cyclic (repetitious) behaviour. Something that cycles between different states.
CYCLER, noun. (astronomy) An orbit that approaches two astronomical bodies on a regular basis.
CYCLER, noun. (by extension) A, usually man-made, object that follows such an orbit.
CYCLER, noun. (psychology) (euphemistic) a person with bipolar disorder, often used when comparing the speed of mood swings.
CYCLER, noun. (medicine) A device for performing dialysis; for mechanically purifying blood
CYCLER, noun. (biochemistry) a thermal cycler; a machine for creating multiple copies of DNA sequences.
CYCLER, noun. (computing) a task in a cycle of tasks where the status of being active task is passed around the loop.
CYCLER, noun. (dated) cyclist

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Thomas à Kempis