Associations to the word «Crax»


CRAX, proper noun. A taxonomic genus within the family Cracidae.
CRAX ALBERTI, proper noun. A taxonomic species within the family Cracidae   — the blue-billed curassow.
CRAX ALECTOR, proper noun. A taxonomic species within the family Cracidae   — the black curassow, smooth-billed curassow, crested curassow.
CRAX BLUMENBACHII, proper noun. A taxonomic species within the family Cracidae   — the red-billed curassow.
CRAX DAUBENTONI, proper noun. A taxonomic species within the family Cracidae   — the yellow-knobbed curassow.
CRAX FASCIOLATA, proper noun. A taxonomic species within the family Cracidae   — the bare-faced curassow.
CRAX GLOBULOSA, proper noun. A taxonomic species within the family Cracidae   — the wattled curassow.
CRAX RUBRA, proper noun. A taxonomic species within the family Cracidae   — the great curassow.

Dictionary definition

CRAX, noun. Type genus of the Cracidae: curassows.

Wise words

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