Associations to the word «Corrective»


CORRECTIVE, adjective. Of or pertaining to correction; serving to correct
CORRECTIVE, adjective. Qualifying; limiting.
CORRECTIVE, noun. Something that corrects or counteracts something, especially an injury or disability
CORRECTIVE, noun. (obsolete) limitation; restriction
CORRECTIVE RAPE, noun. The act of raping a lesbian woman in an attempt to turn her heterosexual.
CORRECTIVE RAPES, noun. Plural of corrective rape
CORRECTIVE SHOE, proper noun. A type of rigid shoe, designed to shape the wearer's foot into a regular shape.

Dictionary definition

CORRECTIVE, noun. A device for treating injury or disease.
CORRECTIVE, adjective. Designed to promote discipline; "the teacher's action was corrective rather than instructional"; "disciplinal measures"; "the mother was stern and disciplinary".
CORRECTIVE, adjective. Tending or intended to correct or counteract or restore to a normal condition; "corrective measures"; "corrective lenses".

Wise words

Words are always getting conventionalized to some secondary meaning. It is one of the works of poetry to take the truants in custody and bring them back to their right senses.
William Butler Yeats