Associations to the word «Bowler»

Pictures for the word «Bowler»


BOWLER, noun. (bowling) One who engages in the sport of bowling.
BOWLER, noun. (cricket) The player currently bowling.
BOWLER, noun. (cricket) A player selected mainly for his bowling ability.
BOWLER, noun. (baseball) (slang) (1800s) The pitcher.
BOWLER, noun. A bowler hat; a round black hat formerly popular among British businessmen.
BOWLER HAT, noun. A hard round black felt hat with a narrow brim; no longer commonly worn
BOWLER HATS, noun. Plural of bowler hat

Dictionary definition

BOWLER, noun. A cricketer who delivers the ball to the batsman in cricket.
BOWLER, noun. A player who rolls balls down an alley at pins.
BOWLER, noun. A felt hat that is round and hard with a narrow brim.

Wise words

All our words are but crumbs that fall down from the feast of the mind.
Kahlil Gibran