Associations to the word «Yellowwood»


YELLOWWOOD, noun. Any of the tree genus Cladrastis.
YELLOWWOOD, noun. Flindersia xanthoxyla, a tall rainforest tree of Australia.
YELLOWWOOD, noun. The osage orange tree.
YELLOWWOOD, noun. Any of the conifer genus Podocarpus.
YELLOWWOOD, noun. Sarcomelicope simplicifolia, a small rainforest tree of Australia.
YELLOWWOOD, noun. Zanthoxylum brachyacanthum, thorny yellowwood, of Australia

Dictionary definition

YELLOWWOOD, noun. The yellow wood of any of various yellowwood trees.
YELLOWWOOD, noun. Any of various trees having yellowish wood or yielding a yellow extract.

Wise words

All our words from loose using have lost their edge.
Ernest Hemingway