Associations to the word «Warehouse»


WAREHOUSE, noun. A place for storing large amounts of products (wares). In logistics, a place where products go to from the manufacturer before going to the retailer.
WAREHOUSE, verb. To store, as in a warehouse.
WAREHOUSE, verb. To confine people to institutions for long-term periods.
WAREHOUSE CLUB, noun. A large retail store holding a wide selection of goods for sale at discounted prices to members of the club
WAREHOUSE CLUB, noun. The club itself

Dictionary definition

WAREHOUSE, noun. A storehouse for goods and merchandise.
WAREHOUSE, verb. Store in a warehouse.

Wise words

Occasionally in life there are those moments of unutterable fulfillment which cannot be completely explained by those symbols called words. Their meanings can only be articulated by the inaudible language of the heart.
Martin Luther King Jr.