Associations to the word «Space»

Pictures for the word «Space»


SPACE, noun. (heading) Of time.
SPACE, noun. (now rare) (archaic) Free time; leisure, opportunity. [from 14thc.]
SPACE, noun. A specific (specified) period of time. [from 14thc.]
SPACE, noun. An undefined period of time (without qualifier, especially a short period); a while. [from 15thc.]
SPACE, noun. (heading) Unlimited or generalized physical extent.
SPACE, noun. Distance between things. [from 14thc.]
SPACE, noun. Physical extent across two or three dimensions; area, volume (sometimes for or to do something). [from 14thc.]
SPACE, noun. Physical extent in all directions, seen as an attribute of the universe (now usually considered as a part of space-time), or a mathematical model of this. [from 17thc.]
SPACE, noun. The near-vacuum in which planets, stars and other celestial objects are situated; the universe beyond the earth's atmosphere. [from 17thc.]
SPACE, noun. The physical and psychological area one needs within which to live or operate; personal freedom. [from 20thc.]
SPACE, noun. (heading) A bounded or specific physical extent.
SPACE, noun. A (chiefly empty) area or volume with set limits or boundaries. [from 14thc.]
SPACE, noun. (music) A position on the staff or stave bounded by lines. [from 15thc.]
SPACE, noun. A gap in text between words, lines etc., or a digital character used to create such a gap. [from 16thc.]
SPACE, noun. (metal type) A piece of metal type used to separate words, cast lower than other type so as not to take ink, especially one that is narrower than one en (compare quad). [from 17thc.]
SPACE, noun. A gap; an empty place. [from 17thc.]
SPACE, noun. (geometry) A set of points, each of which is uniquely specified by a number (the dimensionality) of coordinates.
SPACE, noun. (countable) (mathematics) A generalized construct or set whose members have some property in common; typically there will be a geometric metaphor allowing these members to be viewed as "points". Often used with a restricting modifier describing the members (e.g. vector space), or indicating the inventor of the construct (e.g. Hilbert space). [from 20thc.]
SPACE, noun. (countable) (figuratively) A marketplace for goods or services.
SPACE, verb. (obsolete) (intransitive) To roam, walk, wander.
SPACE, verb. (transitive) To set some distance apart.
SPACE, verb. To insert or utilise spaces in a written text.
SPACE, verb. (transitive) To eject into outer space, usually without a space suit.
SPACE AGE, noun. The period from the about the time of the launch of Sputnik in 1957 to the present day, during which man ventured into space.
SPACE AGE, noun. (attributive) Redolent of the space age; appearing futuristic or modern.
SPACE ALIEN, noun. (chiefly US) An extraterrestrial being; a visitor from outer space.
SPACE ALIENS, noun. Plural of space alien
SPACE ATTENUATION, noun. The loss of energy of a signal (due to absorption, dispersion etc) as it travels through a medium; measured in decibels
SPACE BAR, noun. (computing) A key, in the shape of a bar, near the bottom of a keyboard, that generates a space character when pressed
SPACE BARS, noun. Plural of space bar
SPACE BIOLOGY, noun. (biology) Any of various biological sciences that deal with living things in a space environment
SPACE BLANKET, noun. A blanket made of a plastic material covered with a reflective metal agent; designed to reduce heat loss from a person's body following trauma
SPACE BLANKETS, noun. Plural of space blanket
SPACE CADET, noun. (original) A person in training to be a (generally military) astronaut, especially in science fiction.
SPACE CADET, noun. (slang) (derogatory) One who deals with reality in a way consistent with being under the influence of (or "spaced out on") drugs.
SPACE CADET, noun. (slang) (derogatory) One who forgets, daydreams, or otherwise is distracted from reality more often than most.
SPACE CADETS, noun. Plural of space cadet
SPACE CAKE, noun. (slang) Cake as an edible infused with THC, usually cannabutter
SPACE CAKES, noun. Plural of space cake
SPACE CAPSULE, noun. A vehicle (or a compartment of a vehicle) designed to transport, and provide life support for people in space, and during reentry through the Earth's atmosphere
SPACE CAPSULES, noun. Plural of space capsule
SPACE CASE, noun. (slang) An insane person who has little grip on reality.
SPACE CASES, noun. Plural of space case
SPACE CENTRODE, noun. (mathematics) The path traced by the instantaneous centre of a rotating three-dimensional body moving relative to an inertial frame of reference
SPACE CENTRODES, noun. Plural of space centrode
SPACE CHARGE, noun. (physics) The localized excess electric charge in a specific volume; especially such a negative charge
SPACE CHARGES, noun. Plural of space charge
SPACE CLOTH, noun. Any woven material, used for the screening and sieving of solids, having a specified space between strands
SPACE CLOTH, noun. (engineering) A partially conductive cloth or sheet, especially one whose resistance matches the impedance of free space (377 ohms per square.)
SPACE COMMUNICATION, noun. Communication between space vehicles, or between such vehicles and a base on Earth, the Moon or other planet, especially when using high-frequency radio waves
SPACE COMMUNICATIONS, noun. Plural of space communication
SPACE COMPLEXITY, noun. (computer science) A measure of the amount of space, or memory required by an algorithm to solve a given decision problem.
SPACE CURVE, noun. (mathematics) any curve in three-dimensional space; includes any plane curve as a subset
SPACE CURVES, noun. Plural of space curve
SPACE DEBRIS, noun. All the objects in orbit around the Earth that were created by human activity, but now have no useful purpose
SPACE DEFENCE, noun. Alternative spelling of space defense
SPACE DEFENCES, noun. Plural of space defence
SPACE DEFENSE, noun. Any defensive measure against an attack by missiles etc while in space
SPACE DEFENSES, noun. Plural of space defense
SPACE DOCKING, noun. The act of two spacecraft docking.
SPACE DYEING, noun. A dyeing technique that uses a mordant to produce multicolored yarn.
SPACE ELEVATOR, noun. A hypothetical cable, connecting ground with space, which includes an elevator used to lift payloads or people into orbit
SPACE ELEVATORS, noun. Plural of space elevator
SPACE ENVIRONMENT, noun. The environment encountered by living creatures (and vehicles) in space; especially a lack of atmosphere and gravity
SPACE ENVIRONMENTS, noun. Plural of space environment
SPACE EXPLORATION, noun. Investigation of interplanetary or interstellar space, its properties, biology and the bodies that exist within it.
SPACE EXPLORATIONS, noun. Plural of space exploration
SPACE FACTOR, noun. (in an electromagnetic coil) The ratio of the volume occupied by the wire in the winding, or the iron in the core, to the total volume of the winding or the core
SPACE FACTORS, noun. Plural of space factor
SPACE FIXED REFERENCE, noun. An independent reference system of positioning points in space
SPACE FIXED REFERENCES, noun. Plural of space fixed reference
SPACE FLIGHT, noun. (uncountable) Flight into, from or through space.
SPACE FLIGHT, noun. (countable) A voyage in space.
SPACE FLIGHTS, noun. Plural of space flight
SPACE FRAME, noun. (architecture) A three-dimensional truss, often of steel, forming a rigid, stable structure
SPACE FRAMES, noun. Plural of space frame
SPACE GROUP, noun. (crystallography) (mineralogy) The set of all symmetry operations that can be applied to a given crystal without changing it.
SPACE GUIDANCE, noun. The guidance operations needed to launch a spacecraft into orbit or space, navigate in space, and return to Earth or some other body
SPACE HEATER, noun. A portable heating appliance used to warm an area or room.
SPACE HEATERS, noun. Plural of space heater
SPACE HEATING, noun. Heating of rooms within buildings.
SPACE HOPPER, noun. A toy; consisting of an large inflated rubber ball, upon which one bounces.
SPACE HOPPERS, noun. Plural of space hopper
SPACE ICE CREAM, noun. Ice cream that has had most of the water removed from it by a freeze-drying process and been sealed in a pouch, and requires no refrigeration.
SPACE INVADER, noun. A hostile alien from outer space.
SPACE INVADERS, noun. Plural of space invader
SPACE JUNK, noun. Space debris
SPACE LATTICE, noun. A crystal lattice
SPACE LATTICES, noun. Plural of space lattice
SPACE LAUNCH SYSTEM, proper noun. (transport) (space) is a Shuttle-derived heavy launch vehicle being designed by NASA to replace the Space Shuttle.
SPACE LINE, noun. (printing) (historical) A thin piece of metal used to open the lines of type to a regular distance from each other, and for other purposes; a lead.
SPACE MEDICINE, noun. (medicine) The branch of medicine that deals with the effects of space travel on human beings
SPACE MISSION, noun. A journey, by a human or robotic spacecraft, into space for a specific reason (normally to gather scientific data)
SPACE MISSIONS, noun. Plural of space mission
SPACE MOTION, noun. (astronomy) The real or apparent motion of a star etc. through space.
SPACE MOTIONS, noun. Plural of space motion
SPACE NAVIGATION, noun. The determination of the three-dimensional position and velocity of a spacecraft (relative to a frame of reference)
SPACE OF DISSE, noun. The perisinusoidal space, a location in the liver between a hepatocyte and a sinusoid, containing the blood plasma.
SPACE OPERA, noun. (initially derogatory) A subgenre of speculative fiction or science fiction that emphasizes space travel, romantic adventure, and larger-than-life characters often set against vast exotic settings.
SPACE OPERA, noun. A subgenre of speculative fiction or science fiction that utilises serialisation.
SPACE OPERA, noun. (countable) A work or production in this style.
SPACE OPERAS, noun. Plural of space opera
SPACE OUT, verb. (transitive) To position (objects, people etc.) at regular intervals with a calculated space between them.
SPACE OUT, verb. (intransitive) (idiomatic) To become distracted or disoriented; to lose attention or focus.
SPACE PERCEPTION, noun. (psychology) The awareness of the position, size, form, distance, and direction of an object, or of oneself
SPACE PERMEABILITY, noun. (physics) The ratio of magnetic induction to magnetizing force in a vacuum
SPACE POLAR COORDINATE, noun. Any of a system of coordinates by which a point is located in space by its distance from a pole, the angle between the polar axis and its radius vector, and its longitude
SPACE POLAR COORDINATES, noun. Plural of space polar coordinate
SPACE POWER SYSTEM, noun. Any assemblage of equipment used to generate, store and distribute electrical power onboard a satellite or spacecraft
SPACE POWER SYSTEMS, noun. Plural of space power system
SPACE PROBE, noun. A robotic space vehicle designed to voyage beyond Earth orbit
SPACE PROBES, noun. Plural of space probe
SPACE PROCESSING, noun. The utilization of low gravity and/or high vacuum to carry out various processes in space
SPACE QUADRATURE, noun. (physics) A difference of a quarter of a wavelength between the spatial positions of two corresponding points in a wave
SPACE QUADRATURES, noun. Plural of space quadrature
SPACE QUANTIZATION, noun. (physics) The quantization of one or more components of the angular momentum of a system
SPACE QUANTIZATIONS, noun. Plural of space quantization
SPACE RACE, noun. The competition between nations in the field of space exploration.
SPACE RACE, proper noun. The informal competition between the United States and the Soviet Union to launch unmanned satellites, send people into space and land them on the Moon.
SPACE RECONNAISSANCE, noun. The reconnaissance of the surface of a planet from an orbiting spacecraft
SPACE REDDENING, noun. (astronomy) The reddening of the light from distant stars because of selective absorption and scattering by interstellar dust
SPACE REDDENINGS, noun. Plural of space reddening
SPACE REQUEST, noun. (computing) a parameter (in some file systems) that specifies the storage space required for a new file
SPACE REQUESTS, noun. Plural of space request
SPACE RESEARCH, noun. Any form of research that takes place in space, or concerns any aspect of space or space travel
SPACE RESEARCHES, noun. Plural of space research
SPACE ROAR, noun. A natural phenomenon picked up as a radio signal from outer space, and sounding like a loud hiss.
SPACE ROCK, noun. A subgenre of rock music, characterised by long psychedelic instrumental passages and lyrics dealing with science fiction or outer space.
SPACE ROCKET, noun. A rocket vehicle capable of reaching space (typically from the ground)
SPACE RULE, noun. (printing) (historical) A fine, thin, short metal rule of the same height as the type, used in printing short lines in tabular matter.
SPACE SATELLITE, noun. A crewed or robotic spacecraft designed to orbit the Earth
SPACE SATELLITES, noun. Plural of space satellite
SPACE SCIENCE, noun. Any scientific discipline concerned with the study of phenomena occurring in space, or with space flight.
SPACE SCIENCES, noun. Plural of space science
SPACE SHIP, noun. Alternative spelling of spaceship
SPACE SHIPS, noun. Plural of space ship
SPACE SHUTTLE, proper noun. A space transportation system developed by NASA consisting of a reusable winged orbiter, a set of recoverable booster rockets, and a fuel tank.
SPACE SHUTTLE, proper noun. The reusable winged orbiter itself.
SPACE SHUTTLE, noun. Any vehicle capable of travelling repeatedly between the Earth's surface and outer space carrying people or cargo.
SPACE SHUTTLE, noun. Any vehicle capable of repeatedly travelling between destinations in outer space carrying people or cargo.
SPACE SHUTTLES, noun. Plural of Space Shuttle
SPACE SHUTTLES, noun. Plural of space shuttle
SPACE SICKNESS, noun. Motion sickness caused by the weightlessness of space flight
SPACE SIMULATOR, noun. Any device that attempts to simulate the environment of space, especially one used to test components of space vehicles
SPACE SIMULATORS, noun. Plural of space simulator
SPACE STATION, noun. A crewed artificial satellite designed for long-term habitation, research etc.
SPACE STATIONS, noun. Plural of space station
SPACE SUIT, noun. A system of protective and pressurized clothing, together with environmental equipment, worn by astronauts when in space
SPACE SUITS, noun. Plural of space suit
SPACE SUPPRESSION, noun. (computing) The suppression of the normal advancement of paper in a printer after printing a line of text
SPACE TECHNOLOGIES, noun. Plural of space technology
SPACE TECHNOLOGY, noun. (uncountable) The application of science and engineering to the exploration and utilization of outer space
SPACE TECHNOLOGY, noun. (countable) Any particular scientific or engineering discipline used in this field
SPACE TOURISM, noun. Space travel for recreational, leisure or business purposes.
SPACE TRAVEL, noun. Travel through space in order to visit and explore other worlds
SPACE VEHICLE, noun. A spacecraft
SPACE VEHICLES, noun. Plural of space vehicle
SPACE VELOCITIES, noun. Plural of space velocity
SPACE VELOCITY, noun. (astronomy) The velocity of a star relative to the Sun
SPACE WALK, noun. Any activity performed by an astronaut outside of a space vehicle in space.
SPACE WALKS, noun. Plural of space walk
SPACE WAVE, noun. (physics) The component of an electromagnetic wave (especially a radio wave) that travels directly from transmitter to receiver without being reflected
SPACE WAVES, noun. Plural of space wave
SPACE WEAPON, noun. Any weapon that travels through space to a target either in space, in the atmosphere or on the ground
SPACE WEAPONS, noun. Plural of space weapon
SPACE WEATHER, noun. (meteorology) Any phenomena in space that may have an effect on space vehicles or astronauts, especially solar flare activity and variations in the ionosphere
SPACE WRITER, noun. A journalist or other writer who is paid according to the column inches of his copy
SPACE WRITERS, noun. Plural of space writer

Dictionary definition

SPACE, noun. The unlimited expanse in which everything is located; "they tested his ability to locate objects in space"; "the boundless regions of the infinite".
SPACE, noun. An empty area (usually bounded in some way between things); "the architect left space in front of the building"; "they stopped at an open space in the jungle"; "the space between his teeth".
SPACE, noun. An area reserved for some particular purpose; "the laboratory's floor space".
SPACE, noun. Any location outside the Earth's atmosphere; "the astronauts walked in outer space without a tether"; "the first major milestone in space exploration was in 1957, when the USSR's Sputnik 1 orbited the Earth".
SPACE, noun. A blank character used to separate successive words in writing or printing; "he said the space is the most important character in the alphabet".
SPACE, noun. The interval between two times; "the distance from birth to death"; "it all happened in the space of 10 minutes".
SPACE, noun. A blank area; "write your name in the space provided".
SPACE, noun. One of the areas between or below or above the lines of a musical staff; "the spaces are the notes F-A-C-E".
SPACE, noun. (printing) a block of type without a raised letter; used for spacing between words or sentences.
SPACE, verb. Place at intervals; "Space the interviews so that you have some time between the different candidates".

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