Associations to the word «Queasy»


QUEASY, adjective. Experiencing or causing nausea or uneasiness, often characterized by an unsettled stomach
QUEASY, adjective. Easily troubled; squeamish

Dictionary definition

QUEASY, adjective. Causing or able to cause nausea; "a nauseating smell"; "nauseous offal"; "a sickening stench".
QUEASY, adjective. Feeling nausea; feeling about to vomit.
QUEASY, adjective. Causing or fraught with or showing anxiety; "spent an anxious night waiting for the test results"; "cast anxious glances behind her"; "those nervous moments before takeoff"; "an unquiet mind".

Wise words

Watch your thoughts, they become your words. Watch your words, they become your actions. Watch your actions, they become your habits. Watch your habits, they become your character. Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.