Associations to the word «Kinesthesia»


KINESTHESIA, noun. Sensation or perception of motion.
KINESTHESIA, noun. (physiology) The perception of the movement of one's own body, its limbs and muscles etc.
KINESTHESIA, noun. (performing arts) A spectator's perception of the motion of a performer, or, the effect of the motion of a scene on the spectator.
KINESTHESIA, noun. Proprioception or static position sense; the perception of the position and posture of the body; also, more broadly, including the motion of the body as well. See usage notes below.

Dictionary definition

KINESTHESIA, noun. The perception of body position and movement and muscular tensions etc.
KINESTHESIA, noun. The ability to feel movements of the limbs and body.

Wise words

We should have a great fewer disputes in the world if words were taken for what they are, the signs of our ideas only, and not for things themselves.
John Locke