Associations to the word «Cursorius»


CURSORIUS, proper noun. A taxonomic genus within the family Glareolidae.
CURSORIUS COROMANDELICUS, proper noun. A taxonomic species within the family Glareolidae   — the Indian courser.
CURSORIUS CURSOR, proper noun. A taxonomic species within the family Glareolidae   — the cream-colored courser.
CURSORIUS RUFUS, proper noun. A taxonomic species within the family Glareolidae   — the Burchell's courser.
CURSORIUS SOMALENSIS, proper noun. A taxonomic species within the family Glareolidae   — the Somali courser.
CURSORIUS TEMMINCKII, proper noun. A taxonomic species within the family Glareolidae   — the Temminck's courser.

Dictionary definition

CURSORIUS, noun. Coursers.

Wise words

There is no sickness worse for me than words that to be kind must lie.