Associations to the word «Countermine»


COUNTERMINE, noun. A mine used by defenders to intercept an enemy mine or tunnel.
COUNTERMINE, noun. An underground gallery excavated to intercept and destroy the mining of an enemy.
COUNTERMINE, noun. A stratagem or plot by which another stratagem or project is defeated.
COUNTERMINE, verb. To plot opposition; to frustrate the initiatives of another.

Dictionary definition

COUNTERMINE, noun. (military) a tunnel dug to defeat similar activities by the enemy.
COUNTERMINE, verb. Destroy property or hinder normal operations; "The Resistance sabotaged railroad operations during the war".
COUNTERMINE, verb. Destroy enemy mines with one's own mines; "We countermined the banks of the river".

Wise words

Words are always getting conventionalized to some secondary meaning. It is one of the works of poetry to take the truants in custody and bring them back to their right senses.
William Butler Yeats