Associations to the word «Chen»
- Sung
- Wan
- Nan
- Lim
- Tibetan
- Su
- Ge
- Empress
- Shan
- Dowager
- Ran
- Lam
- Ju
- Ai
- Dynasty
- Consort
- Hong
- Peking
- China
- Shaun
- Ra
- Woo
- Goose
- Tibet
- Annette
- Gan
- Bo
- Chow
- Lan
- Tay
- Emperor
- Bing
- Artiste
- Mandarin
- Daphne
- Pang
- Grandmaster
- Dun
- Prefect
- Qu
- Joan
- Julie
- Grub
- Badminton
- Kong
- Mo
- Confucianism
- Tu
- Subordinate
- Jung
- Chin
- Compatriot
- Jd
- Lama
- Prefecture
- Kan
- Edict
- Ho
- Ella
- Ng
- Confucius
- Joyce
- Calvin
- Ma
- Hurley
- Min
- Mu
- Cha
- Soo
- Bi
- Triad
- Lee
- Ta
- Pan
- Zu
- Sen
- Communist
- Ru
- Michelle
- Ko
- Pu
- Dir
- Mainland
- Ieee
- Eviction
- Eng
- Pa
- Ci
CHEN, proper noun. A taxonomic genus within the family Anatidae.
CHEN, proper noun. A surname. of Chinese origin (Simplified Chinese: 陈, Traditional Chinese: 陳; pinyin: Chén).
CHEN CAERULESCENS, proper noun. A taxonomic species within the family Anatidae — the snow goose.
CHEN CANAGICA, proper noun. A taxonomic species within the family Anatidae — the emperor goose.
CHEN PRIME, noun. Any number that is either prime or semiprime.
CHEN PRIMES, noun. Plural of Chen prime
CHEN ROSSII, proper noun. A taxonomic species within the family Anatidae — the Ross's goose.
Dictionary definition
CHEN, noun. Wild goose having white adult plumage.
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