Associations to the word «April»
APRIL, proper noun. The fourth month of the Gregorian calendar, following March and preceding May. Abbreviation: Apr or Apr.
APRIL, proper noun. A female given name; used since early 20th century.
APRIL FOOL, noun. A person subjected to a practical joke on April Fools' Day.
APRIL FOOL, noun. A practical joke played on April Fools' Day.
APRIL FOOL'S DAY, proper noun. Alternative spelling of April Fools' Day
APRIL FOOLER, noun. A prankster on April Fool's Day.
APRIL FOOLS, noun. Plural of April fool
APRIL FOOLS' DAY, noun. The first day in April, when tricks and practical jokes are traditionally played
APRIL GENTLEMAN, noun. (obsolete) a newly married man.
APRIL GENTLEMEN, noun. Plural of April gentleman
Dictionary definition
APRIL, noun. The month following March and preceding May.
Wise words
The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as
effective as a rightly timed pause.