There is no association found for «Ips».


IP, noun. (legal) (uncountable) intellectual property
IP, noun. (motion picture) (countable) interpositive
IP, noun. (baseball) (countable) (invariant) The statistic reporting the number of innings pitched by a pitcher.
IP, noun. (biology) (uncountable) immunoprecipitation
IP, noun. (computing) insertion point (where text, etc. will be added in a document)
IP, proper noun. (Internet) (networking) Internet Protocol
IP, proper noun. Ingress Protection Rating
IP, proper noun. International Paper
IP, proper noun. (cryptography) initial permutation
IP, abbreviation. (grammar) (X-bar theory) Inflectional phrase
IP ADDRESS, noun. (Internet) A number assigned to each computer's or other device's network interface(s) which are active on a network supporting the Internet Protocol, in order to distinguish each network interface (and hence each networked device) from every other network interface anywhere on the network.
IP ADDRESSES, noun. Plural of IP address
IP CAMERA, noun. A wireless webcam used specifically surveillance as a security measure
IP CAMERAS, noun. Plural of IP camera
IP IN IP, noun. (Internet) A protocol for sending IP packets over an existing IP network.
IP TRACKER, noun. (computing) software that converts an IP address into a hostname and provides location and other information
IP TRACKERS, noun. Plural of IP tracker

Dictionary definition

IP, noun. The sciences concerned with gathering, manipulating, storing, retrieving, and classifying recorded information.

Wise words

The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.
Mark Twain