Associations to the word «Extracurricular»
EXTRACURRICULAR, adjective. Outside of the normal curriculum of an educational establishment
EXTRACURRICULAR, adjective. Similarly outside of the normal duties of a job or profession
EXTRACURRICULAR, adjective. (informal) extramarital
EXTRACURRICULAR, noun. (education) An activity outside the normal academic curriculum.
EXTRACURRICULAR, noun. (informal) An activity beyond official duties of a job or profession.
EXTRACURRICULAR, noun. (informal) An extramarital affair.
Dictionary definition
EXTRACURRICULAR, adjective. Outside the regular academic curriculum; "sports and drama are popular extracurricular activities".
EXTRACURRICULAR, adjective. Outside the regular duties of your job or profession.
EXTRACURRICULAR, adjective. Characterized by adultery; "an adulterous relationship"; "extramarital affairs"; "the extracurricular activities of a philandering husband".
Wise words
Occasionally in life there are those moments of unutterable
fulfillment which cannot be completely explained by those
symbols called words. Their meanings can only be articulated
by the inaudible language of the heart.