Associations to the word «Etiolation»



ETIOLATION, noun. (botany) growth process of plants grown in the absence of light, characterized by long, weak stems, fewer leaves and chlorosis
ETIOLATION, noun. (botany) The operation of blanching plants, by excluding the light of the sun; the condition of a blanched plant.
ETIOLATION, noun. Paleness produced by absence of light, or by disease.

Dictionary definition

ETIOLATION, noun. A pale and sickly appearance; "his etiolation signaled years in prison".
ETIOLATION, noun. The act of weakening by stunting the growth or development of something; "the etiolation of the critical tradition".
ETIOLATION, noun. (botany) the act of causing a plant to develop without chlorophyll by growing it without exposure to sunlight; "the etiolation of celery".

Wise words

Every once in a while, you let a word or phrase out and you want to catch it and bring it back. You can't do that. It's gone, gone forever.
Dan Quayle