Associations to the word «Cutaway»


CUTAWAY, adjective. (3D graphics) Having selectively removed surface elements of a three-dimensional model that make internal features visible, but without sacrificing the outer context entirely.
CUTAWAY, noun. (television) A cut to a shot of person listening to a speaker so that the audience can see the listener's reaction.
CUTAWAY, noun. (television) The interruption of a continuously filmed action by inserting a view of something else.
CUTAWAY, noun. A coat with a tapered frontline.
CUTAWAY, noun. A diagram or model having outer layers removed so as to show the interior

Dictionary definition

CUTAWAY, noun. A representation (drawing or model) of something in which the outside is omitted to reveal the inner parts.
CUTAWAY, noun. A man's coat cut diagonally from the waist to the back of the knees.

Wise words

Every once in a while, you let a word or phrase out and you want to catch it and bring it back. You can't do that. It's gone, gone forever.
Dan Quayle