Associations to the word «Crosslight»


CROSSLIGHT, noun. (uncountable) Light that comes from the side, causing shadows that can obscure objects of view or create strong contrasts.
CROSSLIGHT, noun. (countable) A traffic light intended principally to allow pedestrian or other traffic from a lesser roadway to cross a busier roadway.
CROSSLIGHT, noun. (uncountable) (theater) Illumination directed at the performers or subject matter from opposite sides of the set.
CROSSLIGHT, noun. (uncountable) Light that results from multiple sources and different directions.
CROSSLIGHT, noun. (uncountable) (metaphorical) Multiple perspectives or points of view.
CROSSLIGHT, noun. (countable) (metaphorical) One of differing points of view.

Wise words

If you wish to know the mind of a man, listen to his words.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe