Associations to the word «Counterpoint»


COUNTERPOINT, noun. (music) a melody added to an existing one, especially one added to provide harmony whilst each retains its simultaneous identity; a composition consisting of such contrapuntal melodies
COUNTERPOINT, noun. Any similar contrasting element in a work of art
COUNTERPOINT, noun. An opposite point.
COUNTERPOINT, verb. (transitive) to compose or arrange such music

Dictionary definition

COUNTERPOINT, noun. A musical form involving the simultaneous sound of two or more melodies.
COUNTERPOINT, verb. To show differences when compared; be different; "the students contrast considerably in their artistic abilities".
COUNTERPOINT, verb. Write in counterpoint; "Bach perfected the art of counterpointing".

Wise words

You can change your world by changing your words... Remember, death and life are in the power of the tongue.
Joel Osteen