Associations to the word «Commutator»


COMMUTATOR, noun. An electrical switch, in a generator or motor, that periodically reverses the direction of an electric current
COMMUTATOR, noun. (mathematics) (of a group) an element of the form ghg−1h−1 where g and h are elements of the group; it is equal to the group's identity if and only if g and h commute
COMMUTATOR, noun. (mathematics) (of a ring) an element of the form ab-ba, where a and b are elements of the ring, it is identical to the ring's zero element if and only if a and b commute
COMMUTATOR LENGTH, noun. The number of multiplicands needed, at a minimum, to express a given group element as a product of commutators.
COMMUTATOR LENGTH, noun. The supremum, over all elements of a given group's derived subgroup, of their commutator lengths.
COMMUTATOR LENGTHS, noun. Plural of commutator length
COMMUTATOR SUBGROUP, noun. The subgroup of a specified group generated by the larger group's commutators.
COMMUTATOR SUBGROUPS, noun. Plural of commutator subgroup

Dictionary definition

COMMUTATOR, noun. Switch for reversing the direction of an electric current.

Wise words

The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do.
Thomas Jefferson