Associations to the word «Again»
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AGAIN, adverb. (obsolete) Back in the reverse direction, or to an original starting point. [10th–18thc.]
AGAIN, adverb. Back (to a former place or state). [from 11thc.]
AGAIN, adverb. (obsolete) In return, as a reciprocal action; back. [13th–19thc.]
AGAIN, adverb. Another time; once more. [from 14thc.]
AGAIN, adverb. Over and above a factor of one. [from 16thc.]
AGAIN, adverb. Used metalinguistically, with the repetition being in the discussion, or in the linguistic or pragmatic context of the discussion, rather than in the subject of discussion. [from 16thc.]
AGAIN, adverb. Tell me again, say again; used in asking a question to which one may have already received the answer, but cannot remember it.
AGAIN, adverb. I ask again, I say again; used in repeating a question or statement.
AGAIN, adverb. Here too, here also, in this case as well; used in applying a previously made point to a new instance; sometimes preceded by "here".
AGAIN, adverb. (obsolete) In any other place.
AGAIN, adverb. (obsolete) On the other hand.
AGAIN, adverb. Moreover; besides; further.
AGAIN, preposition. (obsolete or dialectal) Against.
AGAIN AND AGAIN, adverb. (idiomatic) Repeatedly.
Dictionary definition
AGAIN, adverb. Anew; "she tried again"; "they rehearsed the scene again".
Wise words
The pen is mightier than the sword.