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About the Project

The project "Word Associations Network" gives you the opportunity to find associations, which arise in the human’s mind from a given word. For example, to view the associations with the word Butterfly type this word in the search box and click "Search". For better usability each word is accompanied by the explanatory articles from WordNet lexical database.

The heart of the process of forming the list of associations is a software module that analyzes the classical and contemporary works of English literature using the key principles of systems approach. The combination of unique algorithms developed by the author of the project, lets you to contemplate a set of associations with a given word. The algorithm design took into account the specific processes in the human brain. Therefore, the created list of associations can be considered as the average result of the implicit association test.

The project "Word Associations Network" may be useful for literary critics, writers, journalists, linguists, sociologists, market researchers, advertising managers, and for all curious people who want to learn more about English language and about the world.

The author and the creator of the project – Yuriy A. Rotmistrov, Master of Science in Computer Engineering, graduate of Sevastopol National Technical University.

Please send your feedback, comments and suggestions related to the operation of this site to our email address: contact@wordassociations.net