Associations to the word «Dispatch»


DISPATCH, verb. To send a shipment with promptness.
DISPATCH, verb. To send an important official message sent by a diplomat or military officer with promptness.
DISPATCH, verb. To send a journalist to a place in order to report
DISPATCH, verb. To hurry.
DISPATCH, verb. To dispose of speedily, as business; to execute quickly; to make a speedy end of; to finish; to perform.
DISPATCH, verb. To rid; to free.
DISPATCH, verb. (obsolete) To deprive.
DISPATCH, verb. To destroy quickly and efficiently.
DISPATCH, verb. (computing) To pass on for further processing, especially via a dispatch table (often with to).
DISPATCH, noun. A message sent quickly, as a shipment, a prompt settlement of a business, or an important official message sent by a diplomat, or military officer.
DISPATCH, noun. The act of doing something quickly.
DISPATCH, noun. A mission by an emergency response service, typically attend to an emergency in the field.
DISPATCH, noun. (obsolete) A dismissal.
DISPATCH CASE, noun. A flat, stiff case used for carrying papers, documents, books, etc
DISPATCH RIDER, noun. (military) A messenger on a motorcycle.
DISPATCH RIDER, noun. A postrider or mounted courier (eg the US Pony Express)
DISPATCH RIDERS, noun. Plural of dispatch rider
DISPATCH TABLE, noun. (computing) (programming) A table of pointers to functions or methods, commonly used to implement dynamic binding.
DISPATCH TABLES, noun. Plural of dispatch table

Dictionary definition

DISPATCH, noun. An official report (usually sent in haste).
DISPATCH, noun. The act of sending off something.
DISPATCH, noun. The property of being prompt and efficient; "it was done with dispatch".
DISPATCH, noun. Killing a person or animal.
DISPATCH, verb. Send away towards a designated goal.
DISPATCH, verb. Complete or carry out; "discharge one's duties".
DISPATCH, verb. Kill intentionally and with premeditation; "The mafia boss ordered his enemies murdered".
DISPATCH, verb. Dispose of rapidly and without delay and efficiently; "He dispatched the task he was assigned".
DISPATCH, verb. Kill without delay; "the traitor was dispatched by the conspirators".

Wise words

The most important things are the hardest things to say. They are the things you get ashamed of because words diminish your feelings - words shrink things that seem timeless when they are in your head to no more than living size when they are brought out.
Stephen King