Associations to the word «Privy»


PRIVY, adjective. (now chiefly historical) Private, exclusive; not public; one's own.
PRIVY, adjective. (now rare) (archaic) Secret, hidden, concealed.
PRIVY, adjective. With knowledge of; party to; let in on.
PRIVY, noun. An outdoor toilet; latrine; earth closet; john; johnny house.
PRIVY, noun. (legal) A partaker; one having an interest in an action, contract, etc. to which he is not himself a party.
PRIVY COUNCIL, noun. A body of advisers to a sovereign functioning much as a cabinet.
PRIVY COUNCIL, noun. The British Privy Council.
PRIVY COUNCILLOR, noun. A member of a privy council; a close, intimate advisor, usually to a monarch.
PRIVY COUNCILS, noun. Plural of privy council
PRIVY PURSE, noun. (British) The amount of money the monarch may use for private or personal expenses
PRIVY PURSE, noun. (British) A member of the office which deals with the monarch's finances.
PRIVY SEAL, noun. The position of Keeper of the Privy Seal.
PRIVY SEAL, noun. The personal seal of a English or Scottish monarch.
PRIVY SEAL, noun. A document to which such a seal is attached; specifically, a warrant demanding a loan.

Dictionary definition

PRIVY, noun. A room or building equipped with one or more toilets.
PRIVY, noun. A small outbuilding with a bench having holes through which a user can defecate.
PRIVY, adjective. Hidden from general view or use; "a privy place to rest and think"; "a secluded romantic spot"; "a secret garden".
PRIVY, adjective. (followed by `to') informed about something secret or not generally known; "privy to the details of the conspiracy".

Wise words

Men govern nothing with more difficulty than their tongues, and can moderate their desires more than their words.
Baruch Spinoza