Associations to the word «Blind»


BLIND, adjective. (not comparable) (of a person or animal) Unable to see, due to physiological or neurological factors.
BLIND, adjective. (not comparable) (of an eye) Unable to be used to see, due to physiological or neurological factors.
BLIND, adjective. (comparable) Failing to see, acknowledge, perceive.
BLIND, adjective. (not comparable) Of a place, having little or no visibility.
BLIND, adjective. (not comparable) Closed at one end; having a dead end; as, a blind hole, a blind alley.
BLIND, adjective. (not comparable) Having no openings for light or passage.
BLIND, adjective. Smallest or slightest in phrases such as
BLIND, adjective. (not comparable) without any prior knowledge.
BLIND, adjective. (not comparable) unconditional; without regard to evidence, logic, reality, accidental mistakes, extenuating circumstances, etc.
BLIND, adjective. Unintelligible or illegible.
BLIND, adjective. (horticulture) Abortive; failing to produce flowers or fruit.
BLIND, noun. A covering for a window to keep out light. The covering may be made of cloth or of narrow slats that can block light or allow it to pass.
BLIND, noun. A destination sign mounted on a public transport vehicle displaying the route destination, number, name and/or via points, etc.
BLIND, noun. Any device intended to conceal or hide.
BLIND, noun. Something to mislead the eye or the understanding, or to conceal some covert deed or design; a subterfuge.
BLIND, noun. (military) A blindage.
BLIND, noun. A halting place.
BLIND, noun. (baseball) (slang) (1800s) No score.
BLIND, noun. (poker) A forced bet.
BLIND, noun. (poker) A player who is or was forced to make a bet.
BLIND, verb. (transitive) To make temporarily or permanently blind.
BLIND, verb. (slang) (obsolete) To curse.
BLIND, verb. To darken; to obscure to the eye or understanding; to conceal.
BLIND, verb. To cover with a thin coating of sand and fine gravel; as a road newly paved, in order that the joints between the stones may be filled.
BLIND, adverb. Without seeing; unseeingly.
BLIND, adverb. (poker) (three card brag) Without looking at the cards dealt.
BLIND ABSCESS, noun. (medical) An abscess with no external opening.
BLIND ABSCESSES, noun. Plural of blind abscess
BLIND ALLEY, noun. Used other than as an idiom: see blind,‎ alley. A street or passageway that leads nowhere.
BLIND ALLEY, noun. (figurative) A course of inquiry that leads nowhere.
BLIND ALLEYS, noun. Plural of blind alley
BLIND AS A BAT, adjective. (simile) Nearly totally blind, having a very poor sense of vision
BLIND AXLE, noun. An axle that turns but does not communicate motion.
BLIND BOIL, noun. A boil that suppurates imperfectly, or fails to come to a head.
BLIND CARBON COPY, noun. (Internet) A copy of an email message that is sent to a person (often one of many) other than the primary recipient without the express knowledge of the other recipients.
BLIND COAL, noun. Coal that burns without a flame; anthracite coal.
BLIND CURVE, noun. A dangerous curve on a roadway in which drivers cannot see approaching traffic.
BLIND DATE, noun. (idiomatic) A date between two people who have never met before.
BLIND DATES, noun. Plural of blind date
BLIND DRUNK, adjective. So intoxicated as to appear to have difficulty seeing.
BLIND ECASH, noun. A form of ecash that gives the customer ability to spend money without the sender bank tracking where it goes.
BLIND FREDDY, proper noun. (Australia) (informal) An imaginary incapacitated person held up as an archetype of incapacity: what blind Freddy can see (understand) must be very obvious. [From 1940s.]
BLIND GUT, noun. (anatomy) The caecum of the intestines.
BLIND HOLE, noun. (engineering) A hole that does not extend completely through the wall; a dead end hole.
BLIND HOLES, noun. Plural of blind hole
BLIND ITEM, noun. A news story in which the identities of the persons involved are not revealed.
BLIND ITEMS, noun. Plural of blind item
BLIND LEVEL, noun. (mining) A level or drainage gallery which has a vertical shaft at each end, and acts as an inverted siphon.
BLIND MAN'S BLUFF, noun. (chiefly US) (games) Alternative form of blind man's buff
BLIND MAN'S BUFF, noun. (British) (games) A game where one person is blindfolded and tries to touch the other players.
BLIND MAP, noun. A map with political boundaries and major geographical features shown, but without names. Sometimes used for testing or training purposes.
BLIND NAILING, noun. (Construction) the use of nails that are not exposed to the weather.
BLIND PIG, noun. (US) A blind tiger or speakeasy.
BLIND PIG, noun. (southern US) A police officer who has been bribed to ignore illegal activities.
BLIND PIGS, noun. Plural of blind pig
BLIND PILES, noun. Haemorrhoids that do not bleed.
BLIND POOL, noun. (finance) Collective investment (such as a company or syndicate) where the investors have little or no idea what is being done.
BLIND POOLS, noun. Plural of blind pool
BLIND QUOTE, noun. A statement from an anonymous source.
BLIND QUOTES, noun. Plural of blind quote
BLIND RAT, noun. Mole rat
BLIND READER, noun. A post office clerk whose duty is to decipher obscure addresses.
BLIND READERS, noun. Plural of blind reader
BLIND SCOUSE, noun. Scouse (the stew) without any meat in it
BLIND SHELL, noun. A shell containing no charge, or one that does not explode.
BLIND SNAKE, noun. Any snake of the infraorder Scolecophidia
BLIND SPOT, noun. The place where the optic nerve attaches to the retina, and so where the retina cannot detect light.
BLIND SPOT, noun. In driving, the part of the road that cannot be seen in the rear-view mirror.
BLIND SPOT, noun. (figuratively) An inability to recognize a fact or think clearly about a certain topic, especially because of a prejudice.
BLIND SPOT, noun. A location where radio reception and/or transmission is significantly poorer than in surrounding locations.
BLIND SPOTS, noun. Plural of blind spot
BLIND STITCH, noun. A zigzag stitch with the zigzag pairs separated by straight stitches, so as to create a nearly invisible hem.
BLIND STITCHES, noun. Plural of blind stitch
BLIND TEST, noun. A method for testing human response, in which the testee is given no or just general information about the object under test; used e.g. for testing medicines and food products.
BLIND THRUST FAULT, noun. (geology) A type of thrust fault, which does not appear on the surface, being completely hidden underneath ductile surface rock layers
BLIND THRUST FAULTS, noun. Plural of blind thrust fault
BLIND TIGER, noun. A speakeasy.
BLIND TIGER, noun. (slang) A drug joint, where illegal sale of intoxicant drugs happens.
BLIND TIGERS, noun. Plural of blind tiger
BLIND TOOLING, noun. A bookbinding technique in which decorations to the cover of a book are made by making impressions into the surface with a variety of heated tools.
BLIND WITH SCIENCE, verb. (idiomatic) To overwhelm someone with details in order to influence or mislead them.

Dictionary definition

BLIND, noun. People who have severe visual impairments, considered as a group; "he spent hours reading to the blind".
BLIND, noun. A hiding place sometimes used by hunters (especially duck hunters); "he waited impatiently in the blind".
BLIND, noun. A protective covering that keeps things out or hinders sight; "they had just moved in and had not put up blinds yet".
BLIND, noun. Something intended to misrepresent the true nature of an activity; "he wasn't sick--it was just a subterfuge"; "the holding company was just a blind".
BLIND, verb. Render unable to see.
BLIND, verb. Make blind by putting the eyes out; "The criminals were punished and blinded".
BLIND, verb. Make dim by comparison or conceal.
BLIND, adjective. Unable to see; "a person is blind to the extent that he must devise alternative techniques to do efficiently those things he would do with sight if he had normal vision"--Kenneth Jernigan.
BLIND, adjective. Unable or unwilling to perceive or understand; "blind to a lover's faults"; "blind to the consequences of their actions".
BLIND, adjective. Not based on reason or evidence; "blind hatred"; "blind faith"; "unreasoning panic".

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