Associations to the word «Banner»


BANNER, noun. A flag or standard used by a military commander, monarch or nation.
BANNER, noun. Any large sign, especially if constructed of soft material or fabric.
BANNER, noun. A large piece of silk or other cloth, with a device or motto, extended on a crosspiece, and borne in a procession, or suspended in some conspicuous place.
BANNER, noun. By extension, a cause or purpose; a campaign or movement.
BANNER, noun. (journalism) The title of a newspaper as printed on its front page; the nameplate; masthead.
BANNER, noun. (Internet) (television) A type of advertisement in a web page or on television, usually taking the form of a graphic or animation above or alongside the content. Contrast popup, interstitial.
BANNER, noun. (heraldry) The principal standard of a knight.
BANNER, noun. A person etc. who bans something.
BANNER, noun. An administrative subdivision in Inner Mongolia.
BANNER, adjective. Exceptional; very good.
BANNER AD, noun. (Internet) (advertising) An advertisement which extends horizontally across a web-page.
BANNER AD, noun. An advertisement on a banner.
BANNER BLINDNESS, noun. (chiefly Internet) Desensitization to common means of attracting attention.
BANNER CARRIER, noun. A person who carries a banner in a procession
BANNER CARRIER, noun. (US) A local or regional airline that operates as separate part of a larger company
BANNER CARRIERS, noun. Plural of banner carrier
BANNER CLOUD, noun. (meteorology) a small, triangular cloud, extending downwind from the peak of a mountain as if a flag, or banner.
BANNER CLOUDS, noun. Plural of banner cloud
BANNER EXCHANGE, noun. (Internet) A link exchange scheme where web sites display each other's banners.
BANNER ROLL, noun. (heraldry) A small square flag containing a single escutcheon of the deceased.
BANNER YEAR, noun. An especially good year; a year of exceptional production.
BANNER YEARS, noun. Plural of banner year

Dictionary definition

BANNER, noun. Long strip of cloth or paper used for decoration or advertising.
BANNER, noun. A newspaper headline that runs across the full page.
BANNER, noun. Any distinctive flag.
BANNER, adjective. Unusually good; outstanding; "a banner year for the company".

Wise words

Love. Fall in love and stay in love. Write only what you love, and love what you write. The key word is love. You have to get up in the morning and write something you love, something to live for.
Ray Bradbury