Associations to the word «Admit»


ADMIT, verb. (transitive) To allow to enter; to grant entrance, whether into a place, or into the mind, or consideration; to receive; to take.
ADMIT, verb. (transitive) To allow (one) to enter on an office or to enjoy a privilege; to recognize as qualified for a franchise.
ADMIT, verb. (transitive) To concede as true; to acknowledge or assent to, as an allegation which it is impossible to deny; to own or confess.
ADMIT, verb. (transitive) To be capable of; to permit. In this sense, "of" may be used after the verb, or may be omitted.
ADMIT, verb. (intransitive) To give warrant or allowance, to grant opportunity or permission (+ of).
ADMIT, verb. (transitive) To allow to enter a hospital or similar facility for treatment.

Dictionary definition

ADMIT, verb. Declare to be true or admit the existence or reality or truth of; "He admitted his errors"; "She acknowledged that she might have forgotten".
ADMIT, verb. Allow to enter; grant entry to; "We cannot admit non-members into our club building"; "This pipe admits air".
ADMIT, verb. Allow participation in or the right to be part of; permit to exercise the rights, functions, and responsibilities of; "admit someone to the profession"; "She was admitted to the New Jersey Bar".
ADMIT, verb. Admit into a group or community; "accept students for graduate study"; "We'll have to vote on whether or not to admit a new member".
ADMIT, verb. Afford possibility; "This problem admits of no solution"; "This short story allows of several different interpretations".
ADMIT, verb. Give access or entrance to; "The French doors admit onto the yard".
ADMIT, verb. Have room for; hold without crowding; "This hotel can accommodate 250 guests"; "The theater admits 300 people"; "The auditorium can't hold more than 500 people".
ADMIT, verb. Serve as a means of entrance; "This ticket will admit one adult to the show".

Wise words

We cannot always control our thoughts, but we can control our words, and repetition impresses the subconscious, and we are then master of the situation.
Florence Scovel Shinn