Associations to the word «Niobe»

Pictures for the word «Niobe»


NIOBE, proper noun. (Greek Mythology) A daughter of Tantalus, said to have turned into stone while weeping for her children.
NIOBE, proper noun. (astronomy) Short for 71 Niobe, a main belt asteroid.
NIOBE, proper noun. A female given name
NIOBE, noun. A crying woman; a woman who is bereaved or inconsolable. [from 16th c.]

Dictionary definition

NIOBE, noun. (Greek mythology) the daughter of Tantalus whose boasting about her children provoked Apollo and Artemis to slay them all; Niobe was turned to stone while bewailing her loss.

Wise words

The chief difference between words and deeds is that words are always intended for men for their approbation, but deeds can be done only for God.
Leo Tolstoy