Associations to the word «Fishery»


FISHERY, noun. ​(uncountable) Fishing: the catching, processing and marketing of fish or other seafood.
FISHERY, noun. ​(countable) A place related to fishing, particularly:
FISHERY, noun. A place where fish or other seafood are caught: a fishing ground.
FISHERY, noun. A place where fish or other seafood are raised: a fish farm.
FISHERY, noun. A place where fish or other seafood are processed: a seafood factory.
FISHERY, noun. ​(countable) A right to fish in a particular location.
FISHERY, noun. ​(countable) A fishing company.

Dictionary definition

FISHERY, noun. A workplace where fish are caught and processed and sold.

Wise words

The short words are best, and the old words are the best of all.
Winston Churchill