Associations to the word «Diabetes»


DIABETES, noun. A group of metabolic diseases whereby a person (or other animal) has high blood sugar due to an inability to produce, or inability to metabolize, sufficient quantities of the hormone insulin.
DIABETES, noun. Diabetes insipidus, a condition characterized by excessive thirst and excretion of large amounts of severely diluted urine.
DIABETES INSIPIDUS, noun. A disease characterized by excretion of large amount of severely diluted urine, which cannot be reduced when fluid intake is reduced. It is generally related to a tumor or insult to the pituitary gland, where the hormonal signals the pituitary gives to the kidneys break down, and the kidneys do not conserve water, but express all water as urine. This is a rather rare disease.
DIABETES MELLITUS, noun. A medical disorder characterized by varying or persistent hyperglycemia, especially after eating.

Dictionary definition

DIABETES, noun. A polygenic disease characterized by abnormally high glucose levels in the blood; any of several metabolic disorders marked by excessive urination and persistent thirst.

Wise words

Words to me were magic. You could say a word and it could conjure up all kinds of images or feelings or a chilly sensation or whatever. It was amazing to me that words had this power.
Amy Tan