Associations to the word «Ci»


CI, symbol. The ISO 3166-1 two-letter (alpha-2) code for Côte d'Ivoire.
CI, symbol. Symbol for curie, a unit of radioactivity.
CI PROTEIN, noun. A repressor found in λ phage (a bacteriophage that particularly infects the human digestive bacteria, E. coli) which turns off genetic transcription at the phage's L and R promoters, and thus prevents multiple phages from infecting a single host.

Dictionary definition

CI, noun. A unit of radioactivity equal to the amount of a radioactive isotope that decays at the rate of 37,000,000,000 disintegrations per second.
CI, adjective. Being one more than one hundred.

Wise words

A blow with a word strikes deeper than a blow with a sword.
Robert Burton