Associations to the word «Bride»

Pictures for the word «Bride»


BRIDE, noun. A woman who is going to marry or who has just been married.
BRIDE, noun. (obsolete) (figurative) An object ardently loved.
BRIDE, verb. (obsolete) To make a bride of.
BRIDE, noun. An individual loop or other device connecting the patterns in lacework.
BRIDE GIFT, noun. Alternative term for bride price
BRIDE OF THE RED SEA, proper noun. (poetic) The city of Jeddah in Saudi Arabia.
BRIDE OF THE SEA, proper noun. A coastal city, especially Venice in Italy or Tripoli in Libya.
BRIDE PRICE, noun. A sum of money or other valuables paid by a bridegroom or on his behalf to the family of the bride, in some cultures.
BRIDE TOKEN, noun. Alternative term for bride price
BRIDE WEALTH, noun. Alternative term for bride price

Dictionary definition

BRIDE, noun. A woman who has recently been married.
BRIDE, noun. Irish abbess; a patron saint of Ireland (453-523).
BRIDE, noun. A woman participant in her own marriage ceremony.

Wise words

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Johann Wolfgang von Goethe