Associations to the word «Aground»


AGROUND, adjective. (nautical) (of a normally floating craft) Resting on the bottom.
AGROUND, adjective. (1811) Stuck fast, stopped, at a loss, ruined, like a boat that has run aground.
AGROUND, adverb. (nautical) (of a normally floating craft) Resting on the bottom.

Dictionary definition

AGROUND, adverb. With the bottom lodged on the ground; "he ran the ship aground".
AGROUND, adjective. Stuck in a place where a ship can no longer float; "a ship aground offshore"; "a boat aground on the beach waiting for the tide to lift it".

Wise words

In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
Martin Luther King, Jr.