Associations to the word «Salami»

Pictures for the word «Salami»


SALAMI, noun. A large cured meat sausage of Italian origin, served in slices.
SALAMI, noun. (baseball) A grand slam.
SALAMI, noun. (slang) A penis.
SALAMI ATTACK, noun. (computing) An attack against a system that consists of many minor actions (such as stealing small amounts of funds from multiple bank accounts) and is thus relatively difficult to detect.
SALAMI ATTACKS, noun. Plural of salami attack
SALAMI PUBLICATION, noun. Salami publishing
SALAMI PUBLISHING, noun. The disreputable practice of producing several academic papers based on a single study, so as to acquire more publication credits.
SALAMI TACTICS, noun. The piecemeal removal or scaling back of something (especially political opposition); a gradual attack on an opposing position, group, etc.
SALAMI TECHNIQUE, noun. The reaching of a goal by using small, consistent steps.

Dictionary definition

SALAMI, noun. Highly seasoned fatty sausage of pork and beef usually dried.

Wise words

Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.
Lao Tzu