Associations to the word «Moist»


MOIST, adjective. Slightly wet; characterised by the presence of moisture, not dry; damp. [from 14th c.]
MOIST, adjective. Of eyes: tearful, wet with tears. [from 14th c.]
MOIST, adjective. Of weather, climate etc.: rainy, damp. [from 14th c.]
MOIST, adjective. (science) (now historical) Pertaining to one of the four essential qualities formerly believed to be present in all things, characterised by wetness. [from 14th c.]
MOIST, adjective. (obsolete) Watery, liquid, fluid. [14th-17th c.]
MOIST, adjective. (medicine) Characterised by the presence of pus, mucus etc. [from 14th c.]
MOIST, adjective. (colloquial) Sexually lubricated (of the vagina); sexually aroused, turned on (of a woman). [from 20th c.]
MOIST MOMENT, noun. (slang) A brief period of weeping, especially for self-pity.
MOIST TETTER, noun. (archaic) eczema

Dictionary definition

MOIST, adjective. Slightly wet; "clothes damp with perspiration"; "a moist breeze"; "eyes moist with tears".

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