Associations to the word «Contrast»


CONTRAST, noun. (countable) A difference in lightness, brightness and/or hue between two colours that makes them more or less distinguishable.
CONTRAST, noun. (uncountable) The degree of this difference.
CONTRAST, noun. (countable) A control on a television, etc, that adjusts the amount of contrast in the images being displayed.
CONTRAST, noun. (countable) A difference between two objects, people or concepts.
CONTRAST, noun. (countable) (uncountable) (rhetoric) Antithesis.
CONTRAST, verb. (transitive) To set in opposition in order to show the difference or differences between.
CONTRAST, verb. (intransitive) To form a contrast.
CONTRAST AGENT, noun. (medicine) A contrast medium.
CONTRAST MEDIUM, noun. (medicine) Any substance, such as barium sulfate, used in radiography to increase the visibility of internal structures
CONTRAST RATIO, noun. (technology) ratio of the luminance of white to that of black of a display. A higher value means a higher contrast of white and black.
CONTRAST SET, noun. (linguistics) A set of concepts whose names are coordinate terms.

Dictionary definition

CONTRAST, noun. The opposition or dissimilarity of things that are compared; "in contrast to", "by contrast".
CONTRAST, noun. The act of distinguishing by comparing differences.
CONTRAST, noun. A conceptual separation or distinction; "there is a narrow line between sanity and insanity".
CONTRAST, noun. The perceptual effect of the juxtaposition of very different colors.
CONTRAST, noun. The range of optical density and tone on a photographic negative or print (or the extent to which adjacent areas on a television screen differ in brightness).
CONTRAST, verb. Put in opposition to show or emphasize differences; "The middle school teacher contrasted her best student's work with that of her weakest student".
CONTRAST, verb. To show differences when compared; be different; "the students contrast considerably in their artistic abilities".

Wise words

A word is not a crystal, transparent and unchanged; it is the skin of a living thought and may vary greatly in color and content according to the circumstances and time in which it is used.
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.