Associations to the word «Barefaced»


BAREFACED, adjective. Undisguisedly offensive and bold; crude; coarse; brazen
BAREFACED, adjective. Open, undisguised
BAREFACED, adjective. Unbearded (not having a beard or other facial hair)
BAREFACED LIE, noun. A falsehood told with utter confidence and without trying to conceal the fact that it is false, especially a planned or deliberate falsehood.
BAREFACED LIES, noun. Plural of barefaced lie

Dictionary definition

BAREFACED, adjective. With no effort to conceal; "a barefaced lie".
BAREFACED, adjective. Unrestrained by convention or propriety; "an audacious trick to pull"; "a barefaced hypocrite"; "the most bodacious display of tourism this side of Anaheim"- Los Angeles Times; "bald-faced lies"; "brazen arrogance"; "the modern world with its quick material successes and insolent belief in the boundless possibilities of progress"- Bertrand Russell.

Wise words

Words are cheap. The biggest thing you can say is 'elephant'.
Charlie Chaplin